Interface trajectory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface trajectory

This is an interface for trajectories. It converts a floating point value into a Object. This is done with the help of a pacing function.

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object object_for_parm(double parm)
          This is the function that does the mapping of a point in time to an object.
 pacer pacing_function()
          This returns the pacing function (pacer) for this trajectory.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object object_for_parm(double parm)
This is the function that does the mapping of a point in time to an object. You can return any object you like and this will be handed to the animatable object which is the target of this transition.

double - parm the point in time to be mapped
Object - the result of mapping this time point


public pacer pacing_function()
This returns the pacing function (pacer) for this trajectory. The pacing function maps time to time and the result of this function is passed to the object_for_parm() function above.

pacer the pacer objet (pacing function) to use for this trajectory