Howard's Nook of Reality

Howard's Nook of Reality

Greetings Earthling, Take me to your leader.

Most of this stuff is way out of date. Your mileage may vary.

My name is Howard Gobioff and I once was a 27 year old student at Carnegie Mellon University working on a PhD in Computer Science (ie: avoiding getting a real job). I'm now a bit older and working at Google. Here is some information on what I am doing with my life as a graduate student. If you need to get in contact with me, here is how to do it.

In 1996, I lived in Tokyo working for NTT DATA. I enjoyed life in Japan even though it was a bit confusing and bewildering at times. If you are interested in seeing information on my time in Tokyo, take a look here. At CMU, I studied Japanese for three of four semester. Unfortunately, I gave it up in favor of making progress on graduation. but I'm still trying. Alas, foreign languages are not my strong point.

Since you have bothered to visit this page, I expect you want to know a little bit about me. Well, my idea of fun is a bit adrenaline filled. I also have somewhat unusual (at least in contrast to most of my department) tastes as far as cultural stimulation(film,fiction,music). Or maybe you just want to know about my likes and dislikes.

And since you are here, I'll take you for a brief tour around some of the other parts of the web but first you might want to hear me rant about politics and freedom . You may even be interested enough to follow the links I've provided on the topic.

Before you go, stop out and check out some interesting people with home pages or perhaps my quote list(collected from readinng, web surfing, and strange discussions).

I've also taken up studying dance (lower effort than Japanese). I'm not sure why I find it interesting but I think it has to do with understanding how humans move and how to use that movement to be expressive. Sometimes (or frequently) words fail but movement can say many things in total silence and it demonstrates the beauty of th ehuman body.

Howard Gobioff(