Gary L. Miller's Publications

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Geometric Median in Nearly Linear Time

Michael B. Cohen, Yin Tat Lee, Gary L. Miller, Jakub W. Pachocki, and Aaron Sidford. Geometric Median in Nearly Linear Time. In STOC16, 2016.






  author = 	 {Michael B. Cohen and Yin Tat Lee and Gary L. Miller and Jakub W. Pachocki and Aaron Sidford},
  title = 	 {Geometric Median in Nearly Linear Time},
  booktitle = {STOC16},
  year = 	 {2016},
  OPTeditor = 	 {},
  OPTvolume = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  OPTseries = 	 {},
  OPTpages = 	 {},
  OPTmonth = 	 {},
  OPTaddress = 	 {},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTannote = 	 {}

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