Flavio Lerda Home Page - Teaching - 15-212C Recitation Material

15-212C Recitation Material

This page contains some material for the students of Section C of 15-212, Spring 2004 at Carnegie Mellon University.

This material is meant to support what presented at recitation, not to replace it. In specific, the material present here includes some of the code that I presented at recitation as well as links to useful information on the web.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

-Flavio Lerda

  • February 11th, 2004: The N-Queens Problem
    • Source of N-Queens (sml, ps, pdf)
      I added the code for computing multiple solutions as well as a single solution to the problem
    • Testing code for N-Queens (sml)
    • Output of the testing code (txt)
    • An interactive solution in Java. (link)
    • How many ways are there to place N queens on a N by N chessboard? (link)
    • How many algorithms are there to place N queens on a N by N chessboard? (link)

  • March 17th, 2004: Mutation and State
    • Code distributed at recitation (sml, ps, pdf)

  • March 24th, 2004: Records, Streams, and Lazy Evaluation
    • Records code (sml, ps, pdf)
    • Streams and lazy evaluation code (sml, ps, pdf)
    • Some problems about streams. These problems are NOT mandatory and do NOT count for your final grade, are just for you to practice programming with stream. I will publish solutions soon. (sml, ps, pdf)

  • March 28th, 2004: Review for the Final: Structures and Continuations
Flavio Lerda Home Page - Teaching - 15-212C Recitation Material