15–414/614 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification

Homework Assignments & Exams

# Due Date Description Remarks
1 08/29/12 Exercise on logical connectives,
Exercise on universal quantification
(page 20 of Coq in a Hurry)
Will not be graded.
To determine if students find
the material too simple.
2 09/19/12 hw2.pdf solution
3 10/03/12 hw3.v solution
4 10/07/12 midterm.v solution
5 11/12/12 hw4.pdf solution 1–3 solution 4
6 11/26/12 hw5.pdf solution for p1 solution for p2
7 12/07/12 hw6.pdf solution
8 12/07/12 project.pdf smv_templates.zip