CV: Grammar of the VHDL Subset

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0. Conventions

This page provides a summary of the syntax for the VHDL subset of CV. Productions are ordered in order of appearance in the VHDL Language Reference Manual (LRM). The form of a production is described by means of a context-free grammar, using Backus-Naur notation (the following is lifted from the LRM):


letter_or_digit::=letter | digit

choices ::= choice { choice }

return_statement ::= return [ statement ]

term ::= factor { multiplying_operator factor }

1. Design entities and configurations

1.1 Entity declarations

entity_declaration ::= entity identifier is entity_header [ begin ] end [ entity ] [ entity_simple_name ] ;

1.1.1 Entity header

entity_header ::= [ formal_port_clause ]

port_clause ::= port ( port_list ) ; Port lists

port_list ::= port_interface_list

1.2 Architecture bodies

architecture_body ::= architecture identifier of entity_name is architecture_declarative_part begin architecture_statement_part end [ architecture ] [ architecture_simple_name ] ;

1.2.1 Architecture declarative part

architecture_declarative_part ::= { block_declarative_item }

1.2.2 Architecture statement part

architecture_statement_part ::= { concurrent_statement }

2. Subprograms and Packages

2.5 Package declarations

package_declaration ::= package identifier is package_declarative_part end [ package ] [ package_simple_name ] ;

package_declarative_part ::= { package_declarative_item }

package_declarative_item ::= type_declaration | subtype_declaration | constant_declaration | use_clause

2.6 Package bodies

package_body ::= package body package_simple_name is package_body_declarative_part end [ package body ] [ package_simple_name ] ;

package_body_declarative_part ::= { package_body_declarative_item }

package_body_declarative_item ::= type_declaration | subtype_declaration | constant_declaration | use_clause

3. Types

3.1 Scalar types

scalar_type_definition ::= enumeration_type_definition | integer_type_definition

3.1.1 Enumeration types

enumeration_type_definition ::= ( enumeration_literal { , enumeration_literal } )

enumeration_literal ::= identifier | character_literal

3.1.2 Integer types

integer_type_definition ::= range_constraint

range_constraint ::= range range

range ::= simple_expression direction simple_expression

direction ::= to | downto

4. Declarations

declaration ::= type_declaration | subtype_declaration | object_declaration | interface_declaration | entity_declaration | package_declaration

4.1.1 Type declarations

type_declaration ::= full_type_declaration

full_type_declaration ::= type identifier is type_definition ;

type_definition ::= scalar_type_definition

4.2 Subtype declarations

subtype_declaration ::= subtype identifier is subtype_indication ;

subtype_indication ::= type_mark [ constraint ]

type_mark ::= type_name | subtype_name

constraint ::= range_constraint

4.3 Object declarations

object_declaration ::= constant_declaration | signal_declaration | variable_declaration Constant declarations

constant_declaration ::= constant identifier_list : subtype_indication := expression ; Signal declarations

signal_declaration ::= signal identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression ] ; Variable declarations

variable_declaration ::= variable identifier_list : subtype_indication [ := expression ] ;

4.3.3 Interface declarations

interface_declaration ::= interface_signal_declaration

interface_signal_declaration ::= [signal] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication [ := static_expression ]

mode ::= in | out Interface lists

interface_list ::= interface_element { ; interface_element }

interface_element ::= interface_declaration

5. Specifications

6. Names

name ::= simple_name | operator_symbol | selected_name

6.2 Simple names

simple_name ::= identifier

6.3 Selected names

selected_name ::= prefix . suffix

prefix ::= name

suffix ::= simple_name | all

7. Expressions

7.1 Relations

expression ::= relation { and relation } | relation { or relation } | relation { xor relation } | relation [ nand relation ] | relation [ nor relation ] | relation { xnor relation }

relation ::= shift_expression [ relational_operator shift_expression ]

shift_expression ::= simple_expression

simple_expression ::= term

term ::= factor

factor ::= primary | not primary

primary ::= name | literal | ( expression )

7.2.2 Relational operators

relational_operator ::= = | /= | < | <= | > | >=

7.3.1 Literals

literal ::= numeric_literal | enumeration_literal

numeric_literal ::= abstract_literal

8. Sequential statements

sequence_of_statements ::= { sequential_statement }

sequential_statement ::= wait_statement | signal_assignment_statement | variable_assignment_statement | if_statement | case_statement | null_statement

8.1 Wait statement

wait_statement ::= [ label : ] wait [ sensitivity_clause ] [ condition_clause ] ;

label ::= identifier

sensitivity_clause ::= on sensitivity_list

sensitivity_list ::= signal_name { , signal_name }

condition_clause ::= until condition

8.3 Signal assignment statement

signal_assignment_statement ::= [ label : ] target <= waveform ;

target ::= name

inertial waveform ::= waveform_element

8.3.1 Waveform element

waveform_element ::= value_expression

8.4 Variable assignment statement

variable_assignment_statement ::= [ label : ] target := expression ;

8.6 If statement

if_statement ::= [ if_label : ] if condition then sequence_of_statements { elsif condition then sequence_of_statements } [ else sequence_of_statements ] end if [ if_label ] ;

condition ::= boolean_expression

8.7 Case statement

case_statement ::= [ case_label : ] case expression is case_statement_alternative { case_statement_alternative } end case [ case_label ] ;

case_statement_alternative ::= when choices => sequence_of_statements

8.8 Loop statement

loop_statement ::= [ loop_label : ] while condition loop sequence_of_statements end loop [ loop_label ] ;

8.12 Null statement

null_statement ::= [ label : ] null ;

9. Concurrent statements

concurrent_statement ::= block_statement | process_statement | concurrent_signal_assignment_statement

9.1 Block statement

block_statement ::= block_label : block [ is ] block_header block_declarative_part begin block_statement_part end block [ block_label ] ;

block_declarative_part ::= { block_declarative_item }

block_declarative_item ::= type_declaration | subtype_declaration | constant_declaration | signal_declaration | use_clause

block_statement_part ::= { concurrent_statement }

9.2 Process statement

process_statement ::= [ process_label : ] process [ ( sensitivity_list ) ] [ is ] process_declarative_part begin process_statement_part end process [ process_label ] ;

process_declarative_part ::= { process_declarative_item }

process_declarative_item ::= type_declaration | subtype_declaration | constant_declaration | variable_declaration | use_clause

process_statement_part ::= { sequential_statement }

9.5 Concurrent signal assignment statement

concurrent_signal_assignment_statement ::= [ label : ] conditional_signal_assignment ; | [ label :] selected_signal_assignment ;

9.5.1 Conditional signal assignment statement

conditional_signal_assignment ::= target <= options conditional_waveforms ;

conditional_waveforms ::= { waveform when condition else } waveform [ when condition ]

9.5.2 Selected signal assignment statement

selected_signal_assignment ::= with expression select target <= options selected_waveforms ;

selected_waveforms ::= { waveform when choices , } waveform when choices

10. Scope and visibility

use_clause ::= use selected_name { , selected_name } ;

11. Design units and their analysis

design_file ::= design_unit { design_unit }

design_unit ::= context_clause library_unit

context_clause ::= { context_item }

context_item ::= library_clause | use_clause

library_clause ::= library logical_name_list ;

logical_name_list ::= logical_name { , logical_name }

logical_name ::= identifier

library_unit ::= primary_unit | secondary_unit

primary_unit ::= entity_declaration | package_declaration

secondary_unit ::= architecture_body | package_body

See also:

Documentation Sections: cva(1)   VHDL Grammar   cvc(1)   Specification Language

Main Sections: Introduction   Installation   Documentation   Examples

CV / Carnegie Mellon University / / Revised December 1996