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File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
arpa_bo_ng_prob.c [code]
binlm2arpa.c [code]Convert a binary format language model to ARPA format
bo_ng_prob.c [code]Return the probability of the (context_length+1)-gram stored in sought_ngram
calc_mem_req.c [code]Function to calculate the memory required for each of the count tables
calc_prob_of.c [code]Return the probability of word, given a language model a context, and a forced backoff list
compute_back_off.c [code]Compute the back off alphas for table n
compute_discount.c [code]Compute Good-Turing discounting
compute_unigram.c [code]Calculate the probabilities for each 1-gram
counts.c [code]Procedures to deal with counts correctly
decode_bo_case.c [code]
endian_test.c [code]Small test program to test whether the platform's endianness
evallm.c [code]Main driver of evallm
evallm.h [code]Declaration of Function prototypes used by evallm
gen_fb_list.c [code]Generates a pointer to an array of size (vocab_size+1) of flags indicating whether or not there should be forced backing off from the vocab item, and returns a pointer to it
get_ngram.c [code]Function to read in a n-gram from the file specified
guess_mem.c [code]Despite its name, it actually just return the memory to each table 2,3,...,n-grams
idngram.h [code]Stuff that is common to both text2idngram and wngram2idngram
idngram2lm.c [code]Convert an idngram file to a language model file
idngram2lm.h [code]Function prototypes for idngram2lm
idngram2stats.c [code]Compute statistics for an id-ngram
increment_context.c [code]Implementation of increment_context
interpolate.c [code]Find maximum-likelihood weights for interpolating several probabilistic models
load_lm.c [code]Routines of loading LM
lookup_index_of.c [code]Return an index to be used for lookup of supplied value. If value hasn't been entered in the table yet, add it. Note that we first try to assign the identity mapping. If that's occupied, we next search from the end, till the first empty slot
mergeidngram.c [code]Merge multiple idngram into one
ngram.h [code]Data structures for storing ngram
ngram2mgram.c [code]Converts a n-gram stream in to an m-gram stream, where n > m . This file contains the driver
num_of_types.c [code]
parse_comline.c [code]
perplexity.c [code]Compute perplexity
short_indices.c [code]Procedures to allow the indices which point into the next table to be stored as two-byte integers, rather than four byte integers
stats.c [code]Display statistics
test_endian.c [code]Small test program to test whether the platform's endianness
text2idngram.c [code]Convert a text stream to an id n-gram stream
text2wfreq.c [code]Driver of counting word frequency in a particular text file
text2wngram.c [code]Convert a text stream 2 word-ngram stream
toolkit.h [code]Constants used in CMU LM Toolkit
two_byte_alphas.c [code]Represent a floating point with a 2-byte integer
validate.c [code]Validate the LM
wfreq2vocab.c [code]Generate a vocabulary file from a word frequency file
wngram2idngram.c [code]Convert a word n-gram file to an id n-gram file
write_lms.c [code]Write LM
pc_libs/pc_comline.c [code]Implementation of command line parsing function
pc_libs/pc_general.h [code]Function prototypes for pc library
pc_libs/pc_message.c [code]Print a message at the standard output if the message's priority is sufficiently high
rr_libs/general.h [code]Declaration of customized version of file IO utilities
rr_libs/mips_swap.h [code]Implementation of swap function
rr_libs/parse_line.c [code]Given a text line, return pointers to word begin/end positions
rr_libs/quit.c [code]Print a message and exit
rr_libs/rd_wlist_arry.c [code]Read a word list into an array
rr_libs/read_voc.c [code]Read/Write functions of pre-compiled vocabulary hash table
rr_libs/read_wlist_si.c [code]Read a word list into a (string-to-intval) hash table
rr_libs/rr_calloc.c [code]Implementation of customized version of calloc
rr_libs/rr_feof.c [code]Implementation of the customized version of feof
rr_libs/rr_fexists.c [code]Decide whether a file exists
rr_libs/rr_filesize.c [code]Computation of the size of a file
rr_libs/rr_fopen.c [code]Implementation of customized version of fopen
rr_libs/rr_fread.c [code]Implementation of customized version of fread
rr_libs/rr_fseek.c [code]Implementation of customized version of fseek
rr_libs/rr_fwrite.c [code]Implementation of customized version of fwrite
rr_libs/rr_iopen.c [code]Implementation of customize version of input file fopen
rr_libs/rr_malloc.c [code]Implementation of customized version of malloc
rr_libs/rr_oopen.c [code]Implementation of customized version of open file fopen
rr_libs/salloc.c [code]Implementation of customized version of salloc
rr_libs/sih.c [code]Implementation of string-to-int32 hashing
rr_libs/sih.h [code]Declaration of string-to-int32 hash

Generated on Tue Dec 21 13:54:44 2004 by doxygen1.2.18