Episodes: Dawson’s Creek
(01–02 Season)

Last Updated: 17 January 2002

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 5

7 October 2001 to Present: 8:00pm Wednesdays

501 10 Oct 01 10 Oct 01 “The Bostonians”
502 17 Oct 01 17 Oct 01 “Lost Weekend”
503 24 Oct 01 24 Oct 01 “Capeside Revisited”
504 31 Oct 01 31 Oct 01 “The Long Goodbye”
505 7 Nov 01 7 Nov 01 “Use Your Disillusion”
506 14 Nov 01 14 Nov 01 “High Anxiety”
508 21 Nov 01 21 Nov 01 “Text, Lies and Videotape”
509 28 Nov 01 28 Nov 01 “Hotel New Hampshire”
501 R 10 Oct 01 5 Dec 01 “The Bostonians”
502 R 17 Oct 01 12 Dec 01 “Lost Weekend”
510 19 Dec 01 19 Dec 01 “Appetite for Destruction”
26 Dec 01 Pre-empted by Look Who’s Talking Too
503 R 24 Oct 01 2 Jan 02 “Capeside Revisited” Presented as one episode
504 R 31 Oct 01 2 Jan 02 “The Long Goodbye”
9 Jan 02 Pre-empted by The Mask
511 16 Jan 02 16 Jan 02 “Something Wild”
512 23 Jan 02 23 Jan 02 “Sleeping Arrangements”
513 30 Jan 02 30 Jan 02 “Something Wilder”
514 6 Feb 02 6 Feb 02 “Guerilla Filmmaking”
515 13 Feb 02 13 Feb 02 “Downtown Crossing”
516 20 Feb 02 20 Feb 02 “It’s a Lonely Place”
27 Feb 02 Pre-empted by Dumb and Dumber
505 R 7 Nov 01 6 Mar 02 “Use Your Disillusion”
509 R 28 Nov 01 13 Mar 02 “Hotel New Hampshire”
510 R 19 Dec 01 13 Mar 02 “Appetite for Destruction” 9:00pm
511 R 16 Jan 02 20 Mar 02 “Something Wild”
512 R 23 Jan 02 27 Mar 02 “Sleeping Arrangements”
517 3 Apr 02 3 Apr 02 “Highway to Hell”
518 10 Apr 02 10 Apr 02 “Cigarette Burns”
519 17 Apr 02 17 Apr 02 “100 Light Years From Home”
520 24 Apr 02 24 Apr 02 “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)”
521 1 May 02 1 May 02 “After Hours”
522 8 May 02 8 May 02 “The Abby”
523 15 May 02 15 May 02 “Swan Song”
22 May 02 Pre-empted by Felicity
515 R 13 Feb 02 29 May 02 “Downtown Crossing”
516 R 20 Feb 02 29 May 02 “It’s a Lonely Place” 9:00pm

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