15-150: Functional Programming, Spring 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to attend a lab I'm not registered for, okay?

I'm afraid not. We used to be able to permit this, but since COVID the university has become strict about having only registered students in the classroom.

I would like to take 21-127 concurrently with 15-150. Could you please waive the requirement that I take 21-127 before I take 15-150?

I am sorry, but the concepts taught in 21-127 are important prerequisites for the type of thinking required in 15-150. For that reason I have been advised not to waive the requirement.

Can you please publish the video of class?

This is impossible because we will not be recording lectures this semester.

I'm sick. Can I have an extension on the assignment?

Ordinary minor illnesses should be handled through the grace day mechanism. More serious illnesses may require more serious accommodation, but in such cases we do require some documentation.

By university policy, students are not required to provide medical documentation directly to faculty; instead, students are supposed to contact their college liaison, who will then contact us with what we need to know. However, some students prefer just to give us their paperwork from health services, and if you wish to go that route, it is acceptable to us.

Contact information for college liaisons can be found here: https://www.cmu.edu/wellbeing/resources/people.html#liaisons

I'm sick. Can I reschedule my exam?

We will accommodate you for serious illnesses. Please see the previous question for our policy on documentation.

I am supposed to have accommodations for a disability. How is that going to work?

If your accommodation is extra time on exams or distraction-reduced testing, we prefer that you take your exams through the Disability Resources office. Keep in mind that they do get busy, so it is essential that you schedule your exams with them well in advance (preferably weeks).

For any other accommodation, you must communicate with us directly.

I think I have an exam conflict. Can I reschedule my exam?

First, be sure that you have a conflict according to the university's guidelines: https://www.cmu.edu/policies/student-and-student-life/examination-policies.html

Briefly, an exam conflict is either (1) two exams at the same time, or (2a) three midterm exams on the same day, or (2b) three final exams that start within a 25-hour period.

If you have an exam conflict, the university has guidelines about how to resolve it. To work that out, we will need to know when the conflicting exams are, and what classes they are for. To save time, please supply that information when you first contact us about the conflict.

I am on the waitlist; can I attend class?

Our offical enrollment numbers currently indicate that we won't have any extra seats in the classroom if everyone who is registered attends class. You may join us if seats are available. Please note that if we observe the room to be full at capacity we may ask waitlisted students to leave.

I am on the waitlist; can I do the work?

I'm sorry, we are not permitted to allow that. If you get admitted to the class, we will afford you the opportunity to catch up.

I am on the waitlist; can you get me into the class?

We do not manage the waitlist, so no.

Are functions really values?


last modified 00:30, 11 Jan 2025