Yury Smirnov's Resume

Dr.Yury V. Smirnov
Calico Commerce
333 W.San Carlos st.
San Jose, CA 95110


To secure a strategic management position on the level of CTO, CIO or VP of Engineering that requires top-notch analytical, new product shaping and positioning skills; establishing strategic application-sensitive partnerships; developing and tracking core product business plan in the areas of E-commerce, Trading Exchanges, CRM, SFA, System Modeling and Optimization, Supply Chain Management.


	   	PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science and
		Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Pittsburgh, PA (May 97).
	       	Thesis: "Cross-Fertilization between Artificial Intelligence,
 	       	Computer Science Theory and Operations Research."


		Staff Architect/Project Lead, Calico Commerce.
		Responsible for determining company strategy and designing product
		architecture in the areas of configuration, auctioning, 
		trading exchanges, pricing and supply chain management integration. 
		(Apr 1999 - currently, Calico Commerce, San Jose, CA)

		Supply Chain Planning Architect, Impresse Corp.
		Responsible for designing the entire Supply Chain Planning Architecture
		that includes Manufacturing Modeling, Aggregate Planning, Detailed Scheduling 
		and Adaptive Workflow components, supports Order Promising and Client/Server
		configuration. Led the development of the back-end engine, supervised the
		development and the educational process of junior back-end developers.
		(Apr 1998 - Apr 1999, Impresse Corp., Sunnyvale, CA)

		Principal Optimization Engineer at the RedPepper division of PeopleSoft.
		Responsible for developing proposals for new Supply Chain Optimization features; 
		positioning new features with strategic customers through PSG; 
		implementing the keynote features in the product development releases.
		Led the development of RedPepper SCO in the implementation of the Item Substitution 
		and Use-up Logic, algorithmic communication between Safety/Excess Stock and 
		Buildable Inventory repairs, designing Linear Programming post-processor for 
		the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
		Took part in the migration of the Order Prioritization from MRP to ERP.
		(May 97 - May 98; PeopleSoft, San Mateo, CA)

		Software Engineering Consultant, Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, PA.
		Responsible for design proposals on the architecture of Westinghouse Real-Time 
		Software intended for power stations' control and archive units for the 
		Westinghouse Distributed Processing Family; Designing Internationalization approach 
		to support European and Asian national languages; leading negotiations with customers 
		and authority representatives of strategic for Westinghouse Russian and Ukrainian markets, 
		acting as a liaison between Westinghouse, Pittsburgh Mayor's office and Russian/Ukrainian 
		partners in establishing Joint Ventures.
		(May 1994- March 1997, Westinghouse, Process Control Division, Pittsburgh, PA)

		Graduate Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
		Responsible for developing novel concepts of architecting efficient approaches 
		for search, planning and scheduling based on cross-fertilization between 
		Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Theory and Operations Research by 
		identifying, re-utilizing and re-applying the most advantageous features from 
		all three scientific areas to open challenging problems in Planning, 
		Machine Learning and Scheduling.
		(August 1992- April 1997, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)

		Consultant for the Ministry of the Radio Industry, USSR.
		Responsible for defining new directions in the development of SU special-purpose 
		airborne (military) electronics; 
		presenting Soviet exhibition to F.Mitterand and interested parties at the Paris Air Show-91. 
		(April 1990- November 1991)

		Vice Director of the International Relations Office, Concern "Leninets," St.Petersburg, Russia.
		Responsible for designing international business plan, negotiations with foreign companies 
		and authorities on behalf of the concern "Leninets" and St.Petersburg Mayor's office that 
		included General Electric, Boeing, Westinghouse, Braun, Gillette, Alitalia, Boston Consulting 
		Group, US.Deputy Minister D.Atwood, etc. Representing Concern "Leninets" and the Ministry of 
		Radio Industry at exhibitions in France, China, Sweden, Germany, etc.
		(October 1989 - June 1992, Concern "Leninets," St.Petersburg, Russia)

		Senior Engineer, then Hardware Laboratory Chief, Concern "Leninets," St.Petersburg, Russia.
		Responsible for designing hardware and software for airborne data and signal processors 
		for Russian fighters, cargo airplanes, helicopters and missiles; 
		designing hardware and software for automatic testing and troubleshooting. 
		PROM and RAM airborne memory devices, signal and data processors are still used in Mig-21, 
		Mig-29 and Mig-31 fighters and Ant-124.
		(July 1985 - October 1989, Concern "Leninets," St.Petersburg, Russia)


1973-78 Winner of St.Petersburg and National Mathematical Olympiads for Middle and High School Students. 1983 Winner of the Student Diploma Works Conference, Section: Cybernetics, Moscow State University, Moscow, May 1983.


USSR Patent on "Impuls-Feeding Device for PROMs,"

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"GSAT: A Navigational Approach." at the 8th Portugese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA'97), 97.

Sven Koenig, Yury Smirnov
"Sensor-Based Planning with the Freespace Assumption" at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation ( ICRA-97).

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Heuristic-Driven ``Treasure Hunt'' with Linear Performance Guarantees" , Congressus Numerantium journal, 1996, to appear.

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"Efficiency Competition through Representation Changes: Pigeonhole Principle versus Linear Programming Relaxation" (Postscript-249K or abstract )
at the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Conference ( KR-96 ), pp.124-134.

Yury Smirnov, Manuela Veloso
"Representation Changes in Combinatorial Problems: Pigeonhole Principle versus Linear Programming Relaxation" (Postscript-98K) at the First International Workshop on Machine Learning, Forecasting and Optimization ( MALFO-96 ), pp.161-172.

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso, Reid Simmons
"Efficient Goal-Directed Exploration" (Postscript-56K or abstract )
at the AAAI Conference-96, pp.292-297.

Sven Koenig, Yury Smirnov
"Graph Learning with a Nearest Neighbor Approach" (Postscript-114K or abstract ) at the Conference on Learning Theory ( COLT-96), pp.19-28.

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Heuristic-Driven ``Treasure Hunt'' with Linear Performance Guarantees" at the XXVII Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Baton Rouge, 96 (abstract) .

Yury Smirnov, Sven Koenig, Manuela Veloso
"Efficient Exploration of Unknown Environments" at the American Mathematical Society meeting at Kent, 95 (abstract) .

Selected Publications in Russian

"Mathematical Models and Methods for Optimal Designing Complex Special-Purpose Radar Systems" at the Second National Conference on Methods of Representation and Treatment of Stochastic Signals and Fields, Tuapse, 1989, pp.56-59.

"Reducing the Redundancy of Information Systems by Methods of Multicriteria Optimization" at the 10th National Symposium on Problems of Redundancy of Information Systems, Leningrad Institute of Aviation Industry, 1989, vol.2, pp.32-39.

"Stable Impulse-Feeding Device for a Single Power Source", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.77-81.

"Multiple Optimality Criterias in Designing Complex Special-Purpose Systems", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.93-104.

"Optimal Checking RAM Modules", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser. Radar Systems, 1989, vol.16, pp.121-130.

"On Finding Optimal Sizes of Aluminum Radiator Assemblies", Leningrad Agricultural Academy, 1987, ser. Heavy Tractors, pp.27-32.

"Improving Reliability of Memory Devices through Error-Correcting Codes", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Airborne Computer Systems, 1987, vol.10, pp.25-37.

"Efficient Troubleshooting PROM Devices", Special Radioelectronics Journal, ser.Airborne Computer Systems, 1987, vol.10, pp.58-65.

See also http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/smir/www/papers/papers.html

Operational Systems

Unix, DOS, MS/Windows, Windows/NT, etc.


JSP, ASP, X11, OpenLook, Motif.

Networks and Protocols


Application Servers


Programming Languages

C/C++, Java, Pascal, Algol, Basic, PL/1, etc.




Reading, parenting, swimming, running.
Member of the winning Pittsburgh teams at the US Championships 95 and 96 in half-marathon.
Road Runner of the year (1996) in Pittsburgh. Source: Health and Fitness journal, December, 96, p.29.

Visa Status

US Permanent Resident, obtained in July 1994.


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