Operator: learn-comprehension

Problem space: top-ps
Operator Overview:
The learn-comprehension (or LC)operator is available to provide the option of deliberately deciding to learn to comprehend a language input even though there may be other operators available. This is seen as an attractive alternative to the option of creating a deliberate impasse, since causing a deliberate impasse requires the construction of a dummy operator without semantic content. This operator is constructed instead, and it can be processed by the decision procedure with a full understanding of what its selection entails.

Operator Proposal:
Proposed when there is a sentence attribute on the top state and when the u-model-success annotation is not being made by NL comprehension.

Operator Application:
This operator is never actually applied; the impasse created causes the NL comprehension spaces to take over processing and, if successful, produce a proposal for one or more new comprehension operators.

Operator Reconsider:
The conditions for reconsidering the LC operator determine what we have termed the "blippability" of the comprehension process. One opportunity that is always available is the possibility of reconsidering the LC operator when a constructor operator is made acceptable by the comprehension space.

When the LC operator is blippable, there is an additional opportunity for a reconsider: the proposal of another LC operator for a word later in the sentence than the one that led to the proposal of the current one will generate a reconsider preference for a selected, blippable LC operator. This has the effect that if a new word arrives before the impasse terminated naturally (by producing a constructor operator), the impasse will be terminated prematurely. It is possible that the LC operator that was previously in the slot will be reselected, but the "blipping" will have caused the stack to collapse in any case.

Productions are in file: comprehend.soar6