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BAP: Parallel Prolog for Transputer Networks

Brain Aid Prolog (BAP) is a Concurrent Sequential Processes (CSP) based standard Prolog for Transputer networks. BAP uses its own MS Windows or X Windows server for I/O. Special features include automatic topology adapation and concurrent source level debugging (see several processes exchange messages). Performance is pretty high, comparable to that of other Prolog compilers. BAP has achieved good results (>80% efficiency) when executing applications like N-queens or checkers in parallel on an 8 processor network. This directory contains a demo version with host server running under MS-Windows that supports Transputer systems with a maximum of 2 processors. A B004 compatible interface is required to connect to a PC. Both Parsytec and INMOS reset schemes are supported. The host server provides multi-process I/O and interactive source level debugging of several processes. A Windows help file is included that treats installation, quickstart and parallel programming paradigms. A full version for up to 128 nodes is available now for both UNIX (e.g., Sun, Linux, ...) and PC. Write to the contact for more information.

Version: 1.2d (14-AUG-94) Requires: The BAP system runs on networks of 32bit Tranputers (T4 or T8) with 2MB of RAM per node, although 4MB is recommended. The Demonstration Version includes Host Server for MS-Windows PC's connected to the network via a INMOS B004 or compatible board. This Host PC should have at least 4MB Memory and 10MB free disk space. Copying: The demo version is for evaluation purposes and private use only at at your own risk. It may be freely copied and distributed. (See the file for details.) The Programmer's File Editor PFE by Alan Phillips is distributed with BAP, but is not part of the BAP system and has a separate license. See the pfe subdirectory in the distribution for more information. Updated: Tue Aug 23 20:16:37 1994 CD-ROM: Author(s): Frank Bergmann Ostermann von Walter Contact: BRAIN AID SYSTEMS GbR Bergmann, Ostermann, von Walter Bogenstr. 9 52080 Aachen Germany Fax: +49(30)6148739 Keywords: Authors!Bergmann, Authors!Ostermann, Authors!von Walter, BAP, Brain Aid Prolog, Interpreters!Prolog, Logic Programming, OOP!Prolog, Programming Languages!Parallel Prolog, Prolog!Implementations, Transputer Networks References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:44 1995