CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
RT: Common Lisp regression tester
Everyone knows that it is important to test a system thoroughly
whenever it is changed. However, it is far from easy to come up with
good tests and irritatingly laborious to keep track of a lot of tests
and run them time and again. The RT Common Lisp regression tester
automates part of this task.
Using RT, the programmer still has to come up with tests. However, RT
maintains a database of these tests and automatically runs them when
requested. This can take a lot of computer time, but does not take
any of the programmer's time. As a result, any bugs found by running
the tests---and this is a lot more bugs than you might think---are
essentially found for free.
rt-code.lisp ; code for RT
rt-test.lisp ; Test cases to check the code on a new Lisp
rt-doc.txt ; Brief documentation
Version: 19-DEC-90
Copying: Copyright (c) 1990 by MIT.
Use, copying, modification and distribution permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Mailing List: none
Author(s): Dr. Richard C. Waters
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
201 Broadway
Cambridge MA 02139
Tel: 617-621-7508
Authors!Waters, Lisp!Code, Lisp!Testing, MIT, RT,
Regression Testing, Software Maintenance,
Software Modification, Testing
Waters, R.C., ``Supporting the Regression Testing of Lisp Programs'',
ACM Lisp Pointers, 4(2):47--53, June 1991.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:30:46 1995