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GENESIS: GENEtic Search Implementation System

This directory contains GENEtic Search Implementation System (GENESIS). GENESIS is system for function optimization based on genetic search techniques. Since genetic algorithms are task independent optimizers, the user must provide only an "evaluation" function which returns a value when given a particular point in the search space. This version offers several enhancements over previous versions that should make the system much more user friendly. The major improvement is a user-level representation that allows the user to think about the genetic structures as vectors of real numbers, rather than bit strings. This level of representation should make the application of GENESIS to new problems easier than ever. A number of new options have been added, including: a display mode that includes an interactive user interface, the option to maximize or minimize the objective function, the choice of rank-based or proportional selection algorithm, and an option to use a Gray code as a transparent lower level representation. The purpose of making this system available is to encourage the experimental use of genetic algorithms on realistic optimization problems, and thereby to identify the strengths and weaknesses of genetic algorithms.
Version: 5.0 (October 1990) Requires: C Copying: Copyright (c) 1986, 1990 by John J. Grefenstette Use and copying permitted for educational and research purposes. All other rights reserved. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Author(s): John Grefenstette Keywords: Authors!Grefenstette, C!Code, Function Optimization, GENESIS, Genetic Algorithms References: 1. James E. Baker, "Reducing bias and inefficiency in the selection algorithm," in Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications: Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf., ed. J. J. Grefenstette, pp. 14-21, LEA, Cambridge, MA, July 1987. 2. A. D. Bethke, Genetic algorithms as function optimizers, Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. Computer and Communication Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, 1981. 3. A. Brindle, Genetic algorithms for function optimization, Ph. D. Thesis, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Alberta, 1981. 4. K. A. DeJong, Analysis of the behavior of a class of genetic adaptive systems, Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. Computer and Communication Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, 1975. 5. K. A. DeJong, "Adaptive system design: a genetic approach," IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, and Cyber., vol. SMC-10, no. 9, pp. 566-574, Sept. 1980. 6. D. R. Frantz, Non-linearities in genetic adaptive search, Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. Computer and Communication Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, 1972. 7. J. H. Holland, Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Univ. Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1975. 8. R. B. Hollstien, Artificial genetic adaptation in computer control systems, Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. Computer and Communication Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, 1971. 9. S. F. Smith, "Flexible learning of problem solving heuristics through adaptive search," Proc. 8th Intl. J. Conf. Artif. Intel. (IJCAI), Aug. 1983.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:22:56 1995