Course Information
Gary Miller (Office
Hours: Tuesday 1-2PM , Thursday 2-3PM)
Place/Time: GHC 4303, MWF 1:30pm - 2:40pm.
Teaching Assistants:
Course Secretary:
Erin E. Davis
(Office: GHC 7123)
Official Course Blog:
Announcing the Official Course Blog!
Future announcements, homework hints and clarifications, etc. will be posted on piazza.
We will be using Piazza for discussions.
Welcome to 15-750 Graduate Algorithms. Please take a
minute to review the course
There will be a final review session in
GHC 8102 on May 6 from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM.
Homework five is out homework5.
It is due on May 3rd
The due date for homework four is has been extended to
Friday April 19th homework4.
Homework four is out homework4.
It is due on April 17th
Homework three is out homework3.
It is due on April 3rd
Homework two is out homework2.
It is due on February 27th
Post corrections to class notes for 2/6/19
Class Notes
Homework one is out homework1.
It is due on February 13th
Sorry for missing class in Monday january 14. The first class will be on the 16th.
Tentative schedule is posted (some lecture topics subject to change).
Homework zero is out homework0.
It is due on January 28th