William Uther's FrontDoor Page


William Uther
C/o- Dept. of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213-3891

e-mail: will+@cs.cmu.edu

Office: 7107 Wean Hall
Phone: (412) 268-2580

RoboSoccer Lab: 1st floor Wean Hall
Phone: (412) 268-2601

Home: Home address/phone, mobile phone, etc are available inside CMU.

Telepathy (Brain Zephyr for the initiated): Think 'Will' VERY hard...

General Stuff

This page is probably always going to be under construction, as I couldn't be bothered spending a huge amount of time on it. In fact most of the pages have been copied straight from where I had them in Australia and so some still point to my old address at the bottom.

For those who are interested I used to be a student in the Basser Department of Computer Science within the University of Sydney. I was in the Machine Learning group. While studying there I was a resident of St. Paul's College. I've been in the US since July of 1995 studying in the CS Dept. at CMU. I just found a web page for My old high school.

My research

I'm a graduate student working under Manuela Veloso on multi-agent, real-time, adversarial planning and learning: game playing. How do you seamlessly combine high level symbolic planning and low level reactive planning? How do you make a controller of this sort improve itself over time? The goal is a controller for environments like Robot Soccer and Bolo which require both low-level real-time control, e.g. kicking a ball, and strategic planning, e.g. deciding who to kick to. Currently I'm working with some SONY legged robots for RoboCup.

I have a list of publications online.

Fun Stuff

So, what does a Will do for fun? Well, I've been known to read poetry (The Geebung Polo Club, Ozymandius). I like Friday Night Improv. It's all audience participation improv comedy. I'm in the No Parking Players too. Back in Sydney I used to do some explorers club type things but I haven't found as much time to do that around here. I love British Comedy including Monty Python, Blackadder, Fawlty Towers, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, .... There has been some good American comedy also, with such gems as The Princess Bride (If you like the movie - read the book - it's good). I've been collecting random quotations.

My Home Page

If you are interested, here is my public pgp key

comments/donations to: Will Uther(will@cs.cmu.edu)