Machine list (very outdated)

    Machine          Boot         Primary-owner    Secondary-owners
  ------------   ------------     --------------   ------------------
    in DB lab:
  kingfisher      fc3+win           free
  tsingtao        fc3+win           Kensuke
  corona          RH-9, Win         Samuel Wang
  baltika         RH-9, Win         free (used to be Andre)

    in Machine room:
  mythos          RH-7.1            Tim
  newcastle       RH-7.1            Yasushi (postgres)
  warsteiner      RH-9              DB-WEBSERVER    Jimeng+Evan
  efes            Win only          Jimeng

  ironcity        RH-9              Christos

  aegeas          RH-7.1, Win       Tim
  thesseas        RH-7.1, Win       Tim
  cassandra       RETIRED


To-Do List for Visitors

To-Do List for New Machines

Creating New Accounts

    Find AFS user id: pts examine <user>
    Add user: useradd -u <uid> -g <group=users> -d /afs/<user> <user>
   (May need to add /usr/sbin/ to path in ~/.bashrc or type /usr/sbin/useradd to add users)
     If user is local: passwd -l <user>
    Root users in /.klogin.local

    mkdir <cvs_root>
    groupadd <cvs_group>
    Edit /etc/group to add <cvs_group> group members
    chmod u+rwx,g+rwxs <cvs_root>

    chown jure.<cvs_group> <cvs_root>
    cvs -d <cvs_root_path> init
    cvs -d <cvs_root_path> import <files>
    chown -R <user> <cvs_root_path>

    svnadmin create </path/to/repos>
    groupadd <svn_group>
    Edit /etc/group to add <svn_group> group members
    chmod u+rwx,g+rwxs <svn_root>
    chown -R <user>.<svn_group> <svn_root>

   Then, from local machine...
    svn co svn+ssh://<username@machine.address/svn_root_path>
    svn add <files>
    svn --help (for all commands)


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