The first reading of the semester is from Bengio et. al. “Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives”. The paper’s motivation is threefold: what are the 1) right objectives to learn good representations, 2) how do we compute these representations, 3) what is the connection between representation learning, density estimation, and manifold learning.

How we represent the data to a Machine Learning (ML) model determines its sense of the domain, consequently, its success. For many domains, feature engineering is one of the earliest steps in an ML pipeline. This labor-intensive effort shows that the existing ML algorithms, or the learning setups, are not able to extract discriminative information from raw data. To make progress towards Artificial Intelligence (AI), our solutions should be able to identify and disentangle the underlying explanatory hidden factors of the raw data.

We observe the impact of Representation Learning (RL) and Deep Learning (DL) in different domains. The early success of these models was in Speech Recognition. Now, we have many speech solutions on our devices such as Siri, Cortana, Google Now, and Echo. The resurgence of DL models happened on Object Recognition (Krizhevsky et al., 2012). Recently, Natural Language Processing (NLP) becomes one of the main focus of DL and RL. Bengio et. al. 2003 and Collobert et al. 2011 are prominent examples of the success of DL. Most notably, the success of DL models on Multi-Task and Transfer Learning challenges shows that the RL algorithms resulting representations capture underlying factors which may be relevant to different tasks. I think any DL-based models using pre-trained word vectors (whether the model finetunes it or not) are supporting this claim of the paper.

A recipe for good representation

I’ll shortly review each of the bullet points:

  • Must satisfy some of the priors about the world around us
  • Smoothness and the Curse Of Dimensionality
  • Distributed Representations
  • Depth and Abstraction
  • Disentangling Factors of Variation
  • Good Criteria For Learning Representations

Priors for Representation Learning in AI Let’s introduce some notation before explaining priors. Our aim to learn a function of input to output . is an instance of input and the value we want to learn with is . A good representation should satisfy some of the below priors:

  • smoothness : for implies .
  • multiple explanatory factors: the distribution generating the data has a set of underlying factors.
  • a hierarchical organization of explanatory factors: the abstract concepts explaining the world can be decomposed into less abstract ones.
  • semi-supervised learning : things explaining tend to be useful for learning . (e.g word embeddings learned during Language Modelling (LM) in general useful for supervised tasks).
  • shared factors across tasks: the factors explaining , shared with other tasks (e.g multi-task learning)
  • manifolds : there is a smaller space than original space where the probability mass is concentrated
  • natural clustering : local variations on the manifold tend to preserve the category of the instances that live on that manifold
  • temporal & spacial coherence: consecutive or spatially nearby observations tend to be in the same neighborhood on the manifold, thus preserving relevant categorical concepts
  • sparsity : only a small subset of factors are active or relevant for an instance .
  • the simplicity of factor dependencies: factors explaining the data, are related to each other through simple (e.g linear) dependencies.

Smoothness and the Curse Of Dimensionality: Non-parametric learners assume that is smooth enough and they can rely on examples to explicitly map out the wrinkles (i.e how it behaves around instances) of the target function. But, the number of such wrinkles (i.e variance of ) may grow exponentially with the number of interacting factors when the represented data in raw space. Instead, they propose to use these non-parametric learners on top of learned representations. Learned representations will provide the similarity metric which is the core need of a non-parametric model such as kernel machines.

Distributed Representations: Distributed representations provide an exponential gain in learning the hyperplanes separating the data into regions.

distributed representations rox

Let me elaborate using above example from Bengio 2009. Using only 3 features, one can separate 7 regions. Unlike learners of one hot representations which all require parameters to distinguish input regions, learners of distributed representations e.g RBMs, can distinguish input regions using only parameters. The main reason is each unit/region separator benefits from many examples, even if these examples are not neighbors at all, for tuning the parameters. Another way to look at it : for a sample , a subset of features/units/region separators will be activated thus will be used to learn their parameters.

Depth and Abstraction: The depth, the length of the longest path from the input node to output node, provides two advantages. First one is feature re-use, which paper does not clearly explain. Let’s say one unit at layer detects edges, on layer other units such as detecting shapes rectangle or triangle will re-use this unit to detect their own concepts [Thanks Ozan for explaining this]. One remark is very important in this subsection: Deep models learn exponentially more efficient than shallow counterparts (Bianchini and Scarselli) which suggest that they require fewer parameters, consequently, can be learned with fewer examples. Second, in deep architectures, each level provides the ground for more abstract representations. More abstract concepts are usually sensitive to specific changes in the lower concepts (invariance).

Disentangling Factors of Variation: A good representation should disentangle as many factors as possible while discarding as little information about the data as useful. This smells a lot like allegedly Einstein’s simplicity quote and the concept of Occam’s Razor.

Good Criteria For Learning Representations: We hope a good representation satisfy many criteria but it is an open problem to turn these criteria into objectives in an ML model.

Building Deep Representations

Stacked/deep representations yield better performances in supervised tasks, generate better samples in a probabilistic model, and show invariance properties. One core idea is Greedy layerwise unsupervised pre-training which suggests to train the model one level at a time. After the pre-training model is used to initialize the supervised learner.

Hidden Nodes are Latent Random Variable or Computational Nodes

For a single-layer learning module such as an RBM and an Autoencoder, it is possible to show similarities either with training scheme (i.e. shaping the objective) or computational graph (i.e. reconstruction of the input). We can use PCA as a tool to connect probabilistic, neural-network, and manifold learning. (a) leading eigenvectors of covariance matrix are principal components (PCA -> mGaussian -> probabilistic) (b) it is equivalent to learning a linear autoencoder (see Oja) (PCA -> autoencoder -> neural networks ) (c) characterizing a lower-dimensional region where data is packed (PCA -> manifold learning).

Probabilistic Models for Representation Learning

For an observation and its latent features(=its representation) and we aim to learn posterior probability by maximizing the likelihood of the training data. We can model the joint distribution with directed and directed graphical models. Using directed graphical models, we assume that an observation is generated by independent latent variables . By observing , independent latent variables become non-independent (explaining away). For instance, in PCA, latent variables are generated from normal distribution and the data we observe are samples from another normal distribution where the mean is a linear transformation of latent variables. In Sparce Coding, we have a Laplace prior for latent variables so that only a few of them are active in generating the data(= L1 penalty).

For undirected case, the joint distribution is parametrized by product of clique potentials between , , and . For unsupervised representation learning, we assume that this distribution is Boltzmann Distribution (). In RBM, the model is restricted into form of a bipartite graph (only ). This makes the inference tractable for conditional distributions () , still, calculating the partition function is intractable.

Just like many other ML methods, gradient-based optimization for RBM result in a gradient which acts like a move from model’s distribution () to data’s distribution (). When equilibrium is reached, model distribution (=what our model tells) and data distribution (=what data shows) will be aligned. Unfortunately, calculating model’s distribution () is intractable and requires approximate methods such as MCMC – using blocked Gibb’s sampling so that our samples come from true joint distribution and we can estimate expectation necessary for gradient calculation.

Direct Mapping Input –> Representation

One of the downsides of probabilistic models for learning representations is that we learn a posterior distribution over latent variables. We cannot directly use this distribution and need to derive the features out of it. Alternatively, we can learn a direct mapping from input to its representation with an Autoencoder. Using autoencoders we learn to encode the input to a feature space and decode the original input from that space. Unlike probabilistic models where we maximize the data likelihood, we aim to minimize the reconstruction error while avoiding learning the identity function. An interesting point to note : if encoder and decoder use a sigmoid non-linearity, it is equivalent to binary RBMs (think about conditionals ,, and probabilistic interpretation of sigmoid).

In sparse autoencoders, we add the L1 penalty for encoded representations to objective function so that only a few of the hidden units are on for each instance. In denoising autoencoders, we corrupt the original input with some noise. Assuming data concentrate on a lower dimensional manifold, the corrupted input is almost orthogonal to manifold, thus the autoencoder learns to denoise –from low-probability inputs to high-probability ones, thus, creating a vector field towards to the manifold. In contractive autoencoders, we aim to learn robust representations (= insensitive to small input variations) by penalizing the Jacobian matrix of the encoder. This penalty is analytic and we can blend in the contractive penalty with a hyperparameter. (in fact, check out my repo of autoencoder mixtures).