Manfred Warmuth, UCSC Online Algorithms for Principal Component Analysis We design an online algorithm for Principal Component Analysis. In each trial the current instance is centered and projected into a probabilistically chosen low dimensional subspace. The regret of our online algorithm, i.e. total expected quadratic approximation error of the online algorithm minus the total quadratic approximation error of the batch algorithm, is bounded by a term whose dependence on the dimension of the instances is only logarithmic. We first develop our methodology in the expert setting of online learning by giving an algorithm for learning as well as the best subset of experts of a certain size. This algorithm is then lifted to the matrix setting where the subsets of experts correspond to subspaces. The algorithm represents the uncertainty over the best subspace as a density matrix whose eigenvalues are bounded. The running time is O(n^2) per trial, where n is dimension of the instances. Joint work with Dima Kuzmin.