Contents of Passive Vision Video

Shown at SIGGRAPH 2000 course on 3D Photography

  1. Stereo with Mirrors, Shree Nayar, Joshua Gluckman, Columbia University
  2. Virtualized Reality, Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University.
  3. Reconstructing Cameras and Scene Geometry from Uncalibrated Video, Andrew Zisserman, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Geoff Cross, Paul Beardsley, Richard Smith and Phil Torr, University of Oxford, England.
  4. 3D from Photographs, Marc Polleyfeys, Reinhard Koch, Maarten Vergauwen, and Luc Van Gool, ESAT-PSI, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
  5. PDE-based stereo vision, Olivier Faugeras, Renaud Keriven, and Jose Gomes, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France.