SCS Student Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
412.268.8525 - 412.268.5576 [Fax]
ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
--Awarded annually by the Association for Computing Machinery to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in computer science and engineering.
- Gabriele Farina, 2023
Game-Theoretic Decision Making in Imperfect-Information Games (Honorable Mention)
- Julian Shun, 2015
Shared-Memory Parallelism Can Be Simple, Fast and Scalable
- Bryan Parno1, 2010
Trust Extension as a Mechanism for Secure Code on Commodity Computers
- André Platzer1, 2009 (Honorable Mention)
Differential Dynamic Logics: Automated Theorem Proving for Hybrid Systems
- Derek Hoiem, 2008 (Honorable Mention)
Seeing the World Behind the Image: Spatial Layout for 3D Scene Understanding
- Vincent Conitzer, 2007 (Honorable Mention)
Computational Aspects of Preference Aggregation
- Yan Liu, 2007, (Honorable Mention)
Conditional Graphical Models for Protein Structure Prediction
- Venkatesan Guruswami1, 2002
List DEcoding of Error-Correcting Codes
- Robert C. Miller, 2002 (Honorable Mention)
Lightweight Structure in Text
- Ion Stoica, 2001
Stateless Core: A Scalable Approach for Quality of Service
- Robert O'Callahan, 2001 (Honorable Mention)
Generalized Aliasing as a Basis for Porgram Analysis Tools
- James J. Kistler, 1993 (Honorable Mention)
Disconnected Operation in a Distributed File System
- Kenneth McMillan, 1992
Symbolic Model Checking: An Approach to the State Explosion Problem
- Vijay Saraswat, 1989
Concurrent Constraint Programming Languages
- David Dill, 1988 (Doctoral Dissertation Series Winner)
Trace Theory for Autmoatic Hierarchical Verification of Speed-Independent
- Ketan Mulmuley, 1986
Full Abstraction and Semantic Equivalence
- Carl Ebeling, 1986 (Doctoral Dissertation Series Winner)
All the Right Moves: A VLSI Architecture for Chess
- Charles E. Leiserson, 1982
Area-efficient VLSI Computation
- Roderic G. Cattell, 1978 (Inaugural Year of the Award)
Formalization and Automatic Derivation of Code Generators
1Faculty Member: Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science