---------------------------------------------------------------- More than a name, More than a verb, Bob is a way of life. [Bobness] accounts for Bobs breaking out in cold sweats whenever in the vicinity of mimes, Renaissance fairs, Vandyke beards, tarot cards, New Age music, and people who say, "Ciao!" [unless they are Italian, of course.] To Bobs, all women are handfuls. This is the highest of praise, really. Whether they admit it or not, Bobs need to be kept guessing; uncertainty of this sort informs their starkly realistic view of existence. -- The Bob Book [This stuff is really true. I don't understand why. Must be a self-selection phenomenon.] [Remember, I was a Bob before it was a fad.] ---------------------------------------------------------------- ``It's simple to say. It's easy to spell ... Bob's the same in everyone's language.'' -- Canadian bartender Steve Tomkins, on a grass-roots campaign to name the western half of the country's Northwest Territories ``Bob'' when the region splits in two in 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------- New National Anthem of the House of Saud: "Onward, Christian soldiers!" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Have you heard about the Buddhist AI Planner? It tries to convince you that the blocks are just fine where they are. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpts from "Outland", Sunday comics, 2/19/95: The future, Opus, will be glorious! Technology will be our religion! Information will equal happiness! ... You can't hug in cyberspace. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Personal Appearance Before the Appeal Board -- may be requested if you are eligible to request an appeal to the appeal board. You may appeal to the appeal board without requesting a personal appearance before the appeal board, but if you wish to appear before the appeal board you must specifically ask for the appearance in addition to requesting the appeal." -- The best paragraph from SSS Form 7, Dec 72 [my Vietnam-era draft card] [Translation: GO AWAY!] ----------------------------------------------------------------