Toy Diver Manufacturing Report

Tammy Dvir | Sarah Habib | Cecily Sunday
  1. Concepts

  2. Final Toy Concept

    Initial Toy Concept

    The preliminary concept can be found here.
  3. CAD Drawing

  1. Manufacturing

  1. Assembly

  2. Body Assembly

    The first step in assembling the body of the diver is to glue together appropriate sections. This involves attaching the two body pieces and the two lower arm pieces with super glue. After sticking the pieces together, the glue allows for virtually no adjustment time. With this in mind, we recommend developing some form of a guidance system before super gluing plastic pieces together. To assemble the Diver, we used the pin holes in each part as a reference to help align the pieces. Next, we attach the Diver's limbs to her body using spring pins with a diameter of 3/32nds and a length of 7/16ths. Spring pins resemble a hollow tube with a small section removed from its diameter. This allows the pin to be compressed as it is inserted into a hole and expand back once it is placed to ensure a tight fit. Unfortunately, the pins did not hold the Diver's limbs on to her body tight enough to keep them from falling off upon impact. To compensate for this failure, we inserted a piece of a paper clip into the center of each pin and bent its ends along the surface of the Diver's body. This adjustment successfully secures the Diver's joints while leaving her free to pivot about the pins.

    Base Assembly

    Assembling the lower portion of the toy involves attaching the base piece to the cap with five springs. The springs we purchased have a diameter of 7/32nds and are approximately .75 inches long. Both the cap and the base have five evenly-spaced raised cylinders on their flat parameter. The springs fit snuggly on the ends of these cylinders and keep the base and cap attached with no further assistance. One of two problems we encountered while working with springs is that springs need a guidance system to ensure that they compress properly. Otherwise, the spring may twist or bend unexpectedly when a force is applied to it. Taking this into consideration, we designed a cylindrical guidance system into the base and cap before we machined our parts. However, this method only fixes unexpected bending, not twisting. Either designing a cross-shaped guidance system or placing each spring inside its own cylinder could possibly have fixed both unwanted motions. A second problem that we encountered while working with springs was finding springs of an appropriate size and spring constant to perform the job that we expected. The springs that we purchased require too high of a compression force and cannot be used in a kid's toy.