Transformable Ride-On

This concept integrates the characteristics of a four-wheeled ride-on with a indoor toy rocker. Using a unique transformable mechanism, the wheels can be concealed within the body of the ride-on, and repurposed as a rocker for indoor play. This transformable design allows for two completely distinct play scenerios. Aspects of this toy demonstrate inertia, rotational motion, and the conversion of linear momentum to produce a rocking motion.

In order to withstand the various forms of outdoor/indoor use, the construction/materials would have to be robust. The wheelbase, axel, and wheels would be fabricated out of corrosion-resistant steel, and the body formed from lamenated plywood. Considering its low orientation and wide wheel base, flipping this ride-on would be unlikely. Despite this probability, it should be assumed that a helmet be required as a safety precaution.

Toy concept 1 | Toy concept 3
Charles M. Doomany
Carnegie Mellon University
January 25, 2010