COLLECTION: Bagels (long)

From: (Micaela Pantke)

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 93 13:11:54 +0200


Bagels (Dawn Scotting)

From: (Dawn Scotting)

1 tsp      sugar 
1 Tbsp     flour 
2/3 cup    lukewarm water 
2          eggs  
2 sachets  (1 1/2 Tbsp) dry yeast 
1/4 cup    vegetable oil  
3 cups     flour 
2 Tbsp     sugar extra 
1 1/2 tsp  salt  

Poaching Liquid: 
16 cups  water 
2 Tbsp   sugar  

1        egg yolk 
1 Tbsp   water 
poppy or sesame seeds  
In a large bowl, combine sugar, 1 Tbsp flour & water, sprinkle in yeast
& stand until frothy (2 mins).  Stir in eggs & oil.  Mix 1 cup flour,
extra sugar & salt into yeast mixture.  Beat with wooden spoon until
smooth.  Stir in enough of the remaining flour to make a soft dough. 
Turn onto a lightly floured surface & knead until smooth & elastic
(about 10 mins).  Place in a greased bowl, turn dough over in the bowl
to grease all over.  Cover with plastic wrap, stand in a warm place to
rise (prove) for 1 hour or until doubled in size & imprint remains when
dough is pressed.  Punch down dough using fist, knead for 2 mins. 
Divide into 12 equal portions.  Shape each piece into a ball (keep dough
covered with plastic wrap while shaping).  Poke finger through centre of
each ball.  Twirl around finger to form a ring.  Place on floured oven
tray & cover.  Allow to rise for 15 mins.  Bring water to the boil in a
large pan.  Add sugar.  Place half the bagels into the water, cook 1
min.  Turn, cook for 1 min longer.  Using a slotted spoon, remove bagels
to a greased baking tray lined with greased foil.  Cook remaining half
of bagels in poaching liquid.  Combine egg yolk & water.  Brush over
bagels.  Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds.  Bake in a hot oven
(400oF) for 25 mins or until golden.  Cool on a wire rack.  Makes 12. 

Bagels (Edward S. Zuckerman)

From: "Edward S. Zuckerman" (AED-PD) 

This recipe, in it's original form, came from Bernard Clayton's Complete
book of breads.  (Originally titled "Jo Goldenbergs Bagels").  I have
since modified it a bit (doubled it) and have typed this in from memory. 
I can't say enough good things about his book though. 

6 cups      of High Gluten Flour* + 1 cup for sprinkling
2 packages  of yeast
1/2 cup     sugar
1 tbls      salt
3 cups      hot water (120-130 deg.)
3-4 quarts  boiling water w/1 1/2 tablespoon of sugar added 
1           egg white + 1 tablespoon cold water

* High Gluten flour is the secret here!  Gluten Flour creates a much
sturdier dough which allows it to stand up to the rigors of most
commercial mixers.  It creates a much chewier product, whether it be a
bagel, pizza, or bread.  I buy a 50lb sack at my local pizzeria for
$10.00.  It lasts me about 3 months...  I understand the same product
can be bought in a regular supermarket called "Bread Flour" *NOT* "all
purpose-flour".  All-purpose flour is for cakes and muffins and stuff
that basically shouldn't strengthen your jaw! 

In a large bowl, add 6C flour, and the rest of the dry ingredients. 
Mix.  Add the 3 cups of hot water.  (Be careful that the water isn't any
hotter or you'll kill the yeast-err towards the cooler side).  Mix for
as long as you can with a sturdy wooden spoon until it seems like you're
going to crack it! 

Turn the dough out of your bowl onto your (dry) work surface.  Scrape
anything clinging to the bowl and just add it to that big old nasty
dough blob.  Start kneading.  Knead for 10 minutes, adding sprinkles of
flour to control stickiness.  The dough will come together.  It's OK if
the dough is slightly tacky in the end...just not totally sticky.  As
you become more experienced with dough making, you can avoid the dough
clinging to your hands and counter..  Try to clean the counter with the

First Rise:
Form dough into a ball.  Place in a bowl greased with vegetable
shortening.  Turn the dough around in the bowl once or twice just to get
the ball covered with a little shortening.  Cover tightly with saran
wrap.  Let rise for about an hour in a warm place until the dough ball
has doubled in size.  (If using Rapidrise yeast, you can cut the rise
time in half).  Get the 3-4 quarts of water w/sugar slowly boiling at
this stage. 

When the dough has sufficiently risen, turn it out of the bowl onto a
floured work surface.  Press the air out of the dough with extended
fingers.  With a dough blade & a scale, cut dough into 4-5 oz segments. 
(I usually get about 12 segments).  Roll each into a smooth ball and let
them relax for a few minutes.  With the palm of your hand, flatten each
ball somewhat.  Take each flattened dough and poke a hole right in the
center with your finger.  With the same motion that you would use if you
were rolling a rubber band on your two index fingers, pull the hole
open.  Try to concentrate on keeping the bagel uniform in thickness.  It
should quickly look like a bagel, sort of.  Place 'em close together on
the counter, cover loosly with the saran wrap you just used before to
cover the bowl, and let rise for about 10 minutes.  Preheat your oven to
400 degrees F. 

Drop 3-4 bagels into the boiling water, or as many as you can fit
without crowding them.  (If the bagel holes have closed up, you may
gently pull them open again before you drop them in the water).  Try to
keep the water at a rolling boil.  Boil for about 3 minutes, flipping
them over in the water every 30 seconds or so.  Place bagels on a towel
to drain for a few minutes.  Repeat until all bagels have been boiled. 

Place bagels on baking sheets which have been greased with vegetable
shorting.  You can sprinkle cornmeal on it too.  I have my best success
with insulated baking sheets...  Spread bagels out as much as possible. 

With a BBQ brush, paint each bagel with egg white/water wash.  (I beat
this egg wash with a wisk slightly before application, which breaks down
any big snotty strands).  Sprinkle poppy seeds on a few.  Sprinkle
sesame seeds on a few.  Leave a few plain.  Kosher salt or Fresh minced
Garlic work well too.  Ok, wanna get weird, put M&M's on 'em!!!!  I
don't care ;-)

Place baking sheets in oven and bake @ 400 for 25-30 minutes.  2 or 3
times during the baking process, rotate the sheets in the oven to
compensate for any oven temperature irregularities.  (If using a
convection oven, you can reduce the temperature by 25 degrees or so). 

(the original recipe suggests that you flip each bagel upsidedown
halfway through the baking stage.  This apparently helps get rid of the
"flat bottom".  I don't do this because I simply don't give a sh*t ;-) )

Cool on wire racks. 

Serving Suggestion:
Serve each half toasted with a thick layer of Cream Cheese, Nova Scotia
lox, slices of ripe Jersey Tomatoes, and a thin slice of Bermuda
onion....  Obviously! 
Or: Cut them in half and freeze while still warm.  (Every morning, I
defrost one in the microwave for 27 seconds, then toast!)

Bagels (Hal Render)

From: (Hal Render)

1 package   gradular yeast (dry)
2 cups      warm water
1/4 cup     natural-flavored instant malted milk powder
2 tbls      sugar
2/3 tbls    salt
5 3/4 cups  unsifted white flour

Water bath:
2 quarts  water
2 tbls    natural-flavored malted milk powder
1 tbls    sugar

1.  Place yeast in a warm bowl and add the water, stirring to dissolve. 
Add malted milk powder and sugar and stir until dissolved.  Add salt and
flour all at once.  Work the dough with fingers and hands, kneading into
a stiff dough.  Or use a mixer equipped with a dough hook. 

2.  Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead until
smooth.  Shape the dough into a ball and place it in an ungreased bowl. 
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until double in

3.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 

4.  Bring the ingredients for the water bath to a boil. 

5.  Punch the dough down and divide into 16 equal portions.  Roll each
portion into a ball.  Pierce the center of each ball with thumb and
index finger.  Using fingers, shape each ball into a ring like a

6.  If the water bath is boiling, turn off the heat.  When the bagels
are dropped into it, the water should be just below the boiling point. 

7.  Drop the bagel rounds into the just-under-boiling water and let them
cook for about 20 seconds on each side.  Remove the rounds from the
water using a slotted spoon. 

8.  Place the bagel rounds on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for
15-17 minutes or until lightly browned. 

Eat fresh or store in freezer.

Bagels (Moira Carlson)

From: (Moira Carlson)

The dough used for bagels is basically a bread dough recipe.  The secret
is that you boil the bagels before baking them in the oven. 

4 1/2 cups  all-purpose flour
2 tsp       salt
3 tsp       sugar
2 tsp       vegetable oil
2 tsp       yeast
1           egg
1 cup       warm water

In a bowl put the warm water, yeast and sugar.  Let stand for 10 minutes
until the yeast is working.  Add the salt, egg, oil and flour and stir
everything together.  Dump the dough out on a floured board and knead
until everything is of one consistancy.  (Exactly like making bread). 
Put the dough into a warm bowl and put (covered) in a draft-free place
for about 1 and 1/2 hours or until the dough has doubled in size.  Punch
down the dough and divide it into 20 pieces.  Shape each piece into a
ball.  Then roll each ball into a rope (like you would plasticine) about
7 inches long.  Press the two ends of the "rope" together to give you
the basic bagel shape.  Put the bagels on a floured board, cover with a
tea towel, and leave for about an hour to rise.  During the last part of
the rising time, put a pot on the stove and fill it with boiling water. 
Also turn the oven on to 375 Degrees F.  Dump about 5 bagels at a time
into the boiling water.  They will fall to the bottom of the pot and
then rise.  When they rise turn them over.  Boil them for a total
(including time at bottom of pan) of 2 minutes.  Lift the bagels out of
the water with a slotted spoon and leave them to drain while you do
remaining bagels.  Put all the bagels on a cookie sheet and put them in
the oven to bake for about 15 minutes (Until they turn brown).  Enjoy. 

Vegan Bagels

From: (Anthony C.)

4 1/4 to 4 3/4 cups    of all purpose flour.. I use bread flour.
1 package              yeast.  (I use bulk yeast about a tablespoon.  
                       You can never have too much yeast!)
1/4 cups               of sugar
1/1/2 cups             of warm water.  

The water I use is actually hot water.  I turn the tap and let it go
almost as hot as it can get.  It needs to be fairly warm to activate the
yeast.  I was always paranoid about killing the yeast and used water
that was too cold and so the dough didn't rise enough.  So go ahead and
use hot water.  Add the yeast to the water with 3 tablespoons of sugar
and stir it around a little.  In about 30 seconds the whole thing should
start to foam.  If it doesn't you probably didn't use hot enough water. 

The instructions say to add the flour a little at a time.  I don't
bother - I just pour all the flour in.  I figure if it's too stiff I'll
add a little water, if it's too wet I'll add a little flour.  Kneading
is really important so knead it well.  I figure that I shouldn't skimp
on kneading the dough because it's good exercise for giving long
massages right?  So I try to do a hard knead for 15 minutes.  By this
time dough should be elastic with no crumbs of dry flour embedded in it. 
If it's a little sticky it doesn't really matter that much.  If it's dry
though it's hard to knead.  I'm lazy so I'd rather have it a little wet. 

At this point I diverge from the recipe.  The recipe has all sorts of
complicated instructions about 10 minutes rest etc etc.  I just divide
the dough into bagel shapes starting with a ball of dough then poking a
hole in the middle.  Then I let it sit for about 45 minutes until it has
risen.  The bagels should be nice and puffy.  If you were to bake the
bagels now you would get bagels with the consistancy of bread.  But we
all like chewy bagels.  So the trick is to boil the bagels.  So heat up
some water to boiling and drop the bagels in and boil each side for
about 3 mins. 

The recipe says to use x amount of water with sugar in it.  I don't
bother.  So really I only use the 3 tablespoons of sugar.  Or a little
more if I want my bagels sweet.  Drain the bagels on paper towels (or
don't bother).  And bake them until they are brown at 375 degrees for
about 25-30 mins.  If you like the glossy sheen use eggs to coat the
outside.  Otherwise they are kind of ugly. 

By the way... when I make french bread I use a pan of water in the
oven and it makes the french bread chewey.  I was thinking that 
I could do this with the bagels too.  Use a cup or 2 of boiling water
in a pan while the bagels bake.  The french bread gets chewey so I
would think the bagels would too.  I'll have to try it next time.


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