Matt's Home Page

(now with clickable penguins!)

 I'm a Ph.D. student in Pure and Applied Logic at the Math Department of CMU.
I used to be at Jesus College, Oxford, where I studied maths and then computing.
I maintain the TPS Project home page.
I used to maintain the cmuOUT home page
I'm interested in sf, movies, cooking, politics and leaving Pittsburgh.
I was one author of The Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy, and contributed to the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.
I keep a (largely useless) file of interesting articles from Usenet.
I'm now the keeper of the OUSFG Silly Games list and the UK-US recipe translator.
Send mail to mbishop (at cmu dot edu), or look for Opus^ on IRC.

My publications are here.

There's no original content below this line (and precious little above it...).

[LISTS & SOFTWARE](lists of lists) (writing html) (software)
[REFERENCE LIBRARY](books) (news & comics) (sf) (films, music & art) (politics) (travel) (queer) (math) (misc)
[LOCAL AND FUN STUFF](pittsburgh) (interactive) (weird/funny)
[MISCELLANEOUS](personalised newspaper) (other people's pages) (my private stuff)

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