

  • CMU spinoff firm's software teaches non-native speakers clearer English
  • 1. GRAPHEME_TO-PHONEME DICTIONARY: I am one of the people who has worked on CMUDICT a large grapheme-to-phoneme dictionary containing over 130,000 entries. CMUDICT can be used for a variety of applications and research topics. It is distributed as open source software and can be found at:
  • 2. NEW FINDINGS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING: One of the most promising directions that I know of for language learning is the one that started with D. Pisoni, A. Bradlow (Northwestern) and R. Yamada (ATR). They create pairs of sounds (R and L for Japanese learners of English) and acoustically “pull them apart” until the student can hear the difference between them. Students for whom this training works often can pronounce a new sound without having pronunciation training on it.
  • 3. FAUX AMIS: I compiled a list of words (click here) that appear to be the same, but have very different meanings in French and English. The list is available here and if you find other entries or would like to suggest modifications or corrections, please download and let me know. I will be glad to post your comments and make changes to the list for all to use. Eventually I will add the meanings!