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·         Mota, P., Eskenazi, M., Coheur, L., 2018, MUSED : A multimedia multi-document dataset for topic segmentation, Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press, Vol 24, 6.

·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Devillers, Laurence and Mariani, Joseph, Advanced Social Interaction with Agents, Springer, 2018

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine, Unsupervised Discrete Sentence Representation Learning for Interpretable Neural Dialog Generation, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Eskenazi, Maxine, Zero-Shot Dialog Generation with Cross-Domain Latent Actions, Proceedings of the 19th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

·         Lee, Kyusong and Zhao, Tiancheng and Eskenazi, Maxine, DialCrowd: A toolkit for easy dialog system assessment, Proceedings of the 19th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue


·     Lee, Kyusong and Zhao, Tiancheng and Du, Yulun and Cai, Edward and Lu, Allen and Pincus, Eli and Traum, David and Ultes, Stefan and Rojas Barahona, Lina M. and Gasic, Milica and Young, Steve and Eskenazi, Maxine, DialPort, Gone Live: An Update After A Year of Development, Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

·         Rose Catherine, Kathryn Mazaitis, Maxine Eskenazi and William Cohen, Explainable Entity-based Recommendations with Knowledge Graphs, Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) Posters, 2017, Como, Italy [pdf available at arXiv]

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Lu, Allen and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine, Generative Encoder-Decoder Models for Task-Oriented Spoken Dialog Systems with Chatting Capability, Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

·         Lee, Kyusong and Zhao, Tiancheng and Ultes, Stefan and Rojas-Barahona, Lina and Pincus, Eli and Traum, David and Eskenazi, Maxine, An Assessment Framework for DialPort, International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Zhao, Ran and Eskenazi, Maxine, Learning Discourse-level Diversity for Neural Dialog Models using Conditional Variational Autoencoders, Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


·         Correia, Rui and Mamede, Nuno J and Baptista, Jorge and Eskenazi, Maxine, metaTED: a Corpus of Metadiscourse for Spoken Language., LREC

·     Zhao, Tiancheng and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine, DialPort: Connecting the spoken dialog research community to real user data, Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2016 IEEE

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine, DialPort: A General Framework for Aggregating Dialog Systems, Proceedings of the Workshop on Uphill Battles in Language Processing: Scaling Early Achievements to Robust Methods

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine, The DialPort Portal: Grouping Diverse Types of Spoken Dialog Systems, Workshop on Chatbots and Conversational Agents

·         Zhao, Tiancheng and Eskenazi, Maxine, Towards End-to-End Learning for Dialog State Tracking and Management using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue


·         Saz, Oscar and Lin, Yibin and Eskenazi, Maxine, Measuring the impact of translation on the accuracy and fluency of vocabulary acquisition of English, Computer Speech & Language

·         Lopes, Jose and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel, From rule-based to data-driven lexical entrainment models in spoken dialog systems, Computer Speech & Language

·     Zhao, Tiancheng and Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, An Incremental Turn-Taking Model with Active System Barge-in for Spoken Dialog Systems., Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2015 Conference

·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Black, Alan W and Lee, Sungjin and Traum, David, The real challenge 2014: Progress and prospects, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue


·         Correia, Rui and Mamede, Nuno and Baptista, Jorge and Eskenazi, Maxine, Using the crowd to annotate metadiscursive acts, Proceedings 10th Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation

·         Pellow, David and Eskenazi, Maxine, Tracking human process using crowd collaboration to enrich data, Second AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing

·         Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, Real Users and Real Dialog Systems: The Hard Challenge for SDS, Natural Interaction with Robots, Knowbots and Smartphones

·         Ghigi, Fabrizio and Eskenazi, Maxine and Torres, M Ines and Lee, Sungjin, Incremental dialog processing in a task-oriented dialog, Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association


·     Eskenazi, Maxine and Levow, Gina-Anne and Meng, Helen and Parent, Gabriel and Suendermann, David, Crowdsourcing for speech processing: Applications to data collection, transcription and assessment, John Wiley & Sons

·         Lopes, Jose and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel, Automated two-way entrainment to improve spoken dialog system performance, Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on

·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Lin, Yibin and Saz, Oscar, Tools for non-native readers: the case for translation and simplification, Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Improving Textual Accessibility

·         Davis, Elizabeth M and Saz, Oscar and Eskenazi, Maxine, POLLI: a handheld-based aid for non-native student presentations, Speech and Language Technology in Education

·         Rosa, Kevin Dela and Eskenazi, Maxine, Self-assessment in the reap tutor: knowledge, interest, motivation, & learning, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

·         Lee, Sungjin and Eskenazi, Maxine, Recipe For Building Robust Spoken Dialog State Trackers: Dialog State Tracking Challenge System Description., Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2013 Conference


·     Correia, Rui and Baptista, Jorge and Eskenazi, Maxine and Mamede, Nuno J, Automatic Generation of Cloze Question Stems, PROPOR

·         Lopes, Jose and Fandrianto, Andrew and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel, Can a spoken dialog system be used as a tool to study convergence?, Book of Abstracts

·         Lopes, Jose and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel, Incorporating asr information in spoken dialog system confidence score, Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language

·         Fandrianto, Andrew and Eskenazi, Maxine, Prosodic entrainment in an information-driven dialog system, Thirteenth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association

·         Lee, Sungjin and Eskenazi, Maxine, Pomdp-based let's go system for spoken dialog challenge, Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2012 IEEE

·         Lee, Sungjin and Eskenazi, Maxine, Incremental sparse bayesian method for online dialog strategy learning, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing

·         Lee, Sungjin and Eskenazi, Maxine, An unsupervised approach to user simulation: toward self-improving dialog systems, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

·     Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, Future directions in spoken dialog systems: a community of possibilities, NAACL-HLT Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data

·         Raux, Antoine and Eskenazi, Maxine, Optimizing the turn-taking behavior of task-oriented spoken dialog systems, ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (TSLP)


·         Black, Alan W and Burger, Susanne and Conkie, Alistair and Hastie, Helen and Keizer, Simon and Lemon, Oliver and Merigaud, Nicolas and Parent, Gabriel and Schubiner, Gabriel and Thomson, Blaise and others, Spoken dialog challenge 2010: Comparison of live and control test results, Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2011 Conference

·         Skory, Adam and Eskenazi, Maxine, Generation of educational content through Gameplay, Speech and Language Technology in Education

·         Saz, Oscar and Eskenazi, Maxine, Identifying confusable contexts for automatic generation of activities in second language pronunciation training, Speech and Language Technology in Education

·     Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Speaking to the crowd: looking at past achievements in using crowdsourcing for speech and predicting future challenges, Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association

·         Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Sources of variability and adaptive tasks

·         Lopes, Jose and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel, Towards choosing better primes for spoken dialog systems, Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding (ASRU), 2011 IEEE Workshop on

·         Rosa, Kevin Dela and Eskenazi, Maxine, Impact of Word Sense Disambiguation on Ordering Dictionary Definitions in Vocabulary Learning Tutors., Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference

·         Dela Rosa, Kevin and Eskenazi, Maxine, Self-assessment of motivation: explicit and implicit indicators in l2 vocabulary learning, Artificial Intelligence in Education

·         Rosa, Kevin Dela and Eskenazi, Maxine, Effect of word complexity on l2 vocabulary learning, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

·     Correia, Rui and Pellegrini, Thomas and Eskenazi, Maxine and Trancoso, Isabel and Baptista, Jorge and Mamede, Nuno, Listening comprehension games for Portuguese: exploring the best features, Speech and Language Technology in Education


·         Skory, Adam and Eskenazi, Maxine, Automatic Selection of Collocations for Instruction, Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology

·         Skory, Adam and Eskenazi, Maxine, Predicting cloze task quality for vocabulary training, Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Fifth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

·         Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Toward better crowdsourced transcription: Transcription of a year of the let's go bus information system data, Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2010 IEEE

·         Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Lexical entrainment of real users in the let's go spoken dialog system, Eleventh Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association

·         Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Clustering dictionary definitions using amazon mechanical turk, Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon's Mechanical Turk

·     Lopes, Jose and Trancoso, Isabel and Correia, Rui and Pellegrini, Thomas and Meinedo, Hugo and Mamede, Nuno and Eskenazi, Maxine, Multimedia learning materials, Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2010 IEEE

·         Heilman, Michael and Collins-Thompson, Kevyn and Callan, Jamie and Eskenazi, Maxine and Juffs, Alan and Wilson, Lois, Personalization of reading passages improves vocabulary acquisition, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

·         Rosa, Kevin Dela and Parent, Gabriel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Multimodal learning of words: A study on the use of speech synthesis to reinforce written text in L2 language learning, Proceedings of the 2010 ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education

·         Correia, Rui and Baptista, Jorge and Mamede, Nuno and Trancoso, Isabel and Eskenazi, Maxine, Automatic generation of cloze question distractors, Proceedings of the Interspeech 2010 Satellite Workshop on Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan


·         Pino, Juan and Eskenazi, Maxine, An application of latent semantic analysis to word sense discrimination for words with related and unrelated meanings, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

·     Pino, Juan and Eskenazi, Maxine, Measuring Hint Level in Open Cloze Questions., FLAIRS Conference

·         Pino, Juan and Eskenazi, Maxine, Semi-automatic generation of cloze question distractors effect of students' L1., SLaTE

·         Marujo, Lu{\'\i}s and Lopes, Jose and Mamede, Nuno and Trancoso, Isabel and Pino, Juan and Eskenazi, Maxine and Baptista, Jorge and Viana, Ceu, Porting REAP to European Portuguese, International Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education

·         Gonz{\'a}lez-Brenes, Jose P and Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, Describing spoken dialogue systems differences, International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, Irsee, Germany. Springer--Verlat

·         Eskenazi, Maxine, An overview of spoken language technology for education, Speech Communication

·         Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, The spoken dialogue challenge, Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue


·     Raux, Antoine and Langner, Brian and Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, Building practical spoken dialog systems, Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics on Human Language Technologies: Tutorial Abstracts

·         Raux, Antoine and Eskenazi, Maxine, Optimizing endpointing thresholds using dialogue features in a spoken dialogue system, Proceedings of the 9th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

·         Pino, Juan and Heilman, Michael and Eskenazi, Maxine, A selection strategy to improve cloze question quality, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Ill-Defined Domains. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, Canada

·         Heilman, Michael and Eskenazi, Maxine, Self-assessment in vocabulary tutoring, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems

·         Heilman, Michael and Zhao, Le and Pino, Juan and Eskenazi, Maxine, Retrieval of reading materials for vocabulary and reading practice, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

·     Heilman, Michael and Collins-Thompson, Kevyn and Eskenazi, Maxine, An analysis of statistical models and features for reading difficulty prediction, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications

·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Black, Alan W and Raux, Antoine and Langner, Brian, Let's Go Lab: a platform for evaluation of spoken dialog systems with real world users, Ninth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association


·         Raux, Antoine and Eskenazi, Maxine, A multi-layer architecture for semi-synchronous event-driven dialogue management, Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding, 2007. ASRU. IEEE Workshop on

·         Heilman, Michael and Collins-Thompson, Kevyn and Callan, Jamie and Eskenazi, Maxine, Combining lexical and grammatical features to improve readability measures for first and second language texts, Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Proceedings of the Main Conference

·         Heilman, Michael and Juffs, Alan and Eskenazi, Maxine, Choosing reading passages for vocabulary learning by topic to increase intrinsic motivation, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

·     Heilman, Michael and Eskenazi, Maxine, Application of automatic thesaurus extraction for computer generation of vocabulary questions, Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education

·         Bohus, Dan and Raux, Antoine and Harris, Thomas K and Eskenazi, Maxine and Rudnicky, Alexander I, Olympus: an open-source framework for conversational spoken language interface research, Proceedings of the workshop on bridging the gap: Academic and industrial research in dialog technologies

·         Ai, Hua and Raux, Antoine and Bohus, Dan and Eskenazi, Maxine and Litman, Diane J, Comparing spoken dialog corpora collected with recruited subjects versus real users, Proceedings of the 8th SIGDial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue


·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Brown, Jonathan, Teaching the creation of software that uses speech recognition, Teacher education in CALL

·         Raux, Antoine and Bohus, Dan and Langner, Brian and Black, Alan W and Eskenazi, Maxine, Doing research on a deployed spoken dialogue system: One year of Let's Go! experience, Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing

·     Juffs, Alan and Wilson, Lois and Eskenazi, Maxine and Callan, Jamie and Brown, Jonathan and Collins-Thompson, Kevyn and Heilman, Michael and Pelletreau, Timothy and Sanders, James, Robust learning of vocabulary: investigating the relationship between learner behaviour and the acquisition of vocabulary, 40th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit (TESOL 2006), Tampa Bay, FL

·         Heilman, Michael and Eskenazi, Maxine, Language learning: Challenges for intelligent tutoring systems, Proceedings of the workshop of intelligent tutoring systems for ill-defined tutoring systems. Eight international conference on intelligent tutoring systems

·         Heilman, Michael and Collins-Thompson, Kevyn and Callan, Jamie and Eskenazi, Maxine, Classroom success of an Intelligent Tutoring System for lexical practice and reading comprehension, Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing

·         Eskenazi, Maxine and Raux, Antoine and Harris, Elizabeth, Using speech recognition for just-in-time language learning, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

·         Brown, Jonathan and Eskenazi, Maxine, Using simulated students for the assessment of authentic document retrieval, International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems