Learning a foreign
language is not only a question of getting the words and syntax right. You
can’t be understood until you can pronounce it well! FLUENCY is designed to let
you speak, then give you feedback as to how you did – what to correct, and how
to correct it. Using state-of-the-art speech recognition technology, SPHINX
from Carnegie Mellon, this interactive software allows you to speak, to get
corrections, to listen to yourself and a native speaker and try again, over and
over, as many times as you want. FLUENCY is patient and can be customized to do
what you want. Practice in the privacy of your PC or phone and then speaker to
others when you’re ready! FLUENCY detects phonetic and duration errors in
speech. IT can be used for English as a second language and can be adapted to
other languages. The user can make it easier or harder to succeed. Other
user-adaptive options to maximize learning also exist. The software can be used
alone or in conjunction with language classes.