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RE: 2488 Automatically vote recall race if recalled race is voted. Enable recalled race always.

I believe the description of the existing functionality sounds like a CA. logic, which is a requirement.  That is a YES or NO vote can activiate the recall, and if the YES votes are over 50%, then everyone's vote (whether they voted YES OR NO above) is counted for the recall. 
I do not believe Jeff's request would meet the CA. requirements.
Gems 1.18.15
Ballot Station 4.3.14

This RCR affects both GEMS and Ballot Station. 

Current behavior:
Selecting Recall race as the race type creates 1 default candidate "YES" of 
type "Candidate". The race editor allows for the creation of more candidates of 
any other type that is available in drop down list. When another candidate is 
created, label "NO" of type "Candidate" the resulting behavior is that when 
either of the candidates, "YES" or "NO" is voted then the Recalled race tied to 
this Recall race is activated.

Desired behavior:
Selecting Recall race as the race type creates 1 default candidate "YES" of 
type "RecalledKeyCandidate", this type is new and would have the attributes of 
a standard "Candidate" type as well having the attribute of being able to 
activate the Recalled race. In other words when a candidate is voted of 
type "RecalledKeyCandidate" then the Recalled race is activated. The race 
editor still allows for the creation of more candidates of any other type that 
is available in drop down list, but only candidate type "RecalledKeyCandidate" 
can activate the Recall race.


The Governor of Georgia has a Preference election coming up in March 2004 that 
requires this feature.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-support@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-support@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Ken Clark
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:41 PM
To: support@dieboldes.com
Subject: 2488 Automatically vote recall race if recalled race is voted. Enable recalled race always.

Can I have a show of hands of AVTS states/accounts that allow recall races?  Jeff is proposing a new behavior that might or might not be desirable for everyone.  We can make it a YAF (Yet Another Flag), but if everyone is happy with Jeff’s proposal, we’ll just make it the behavior for all.  This is RCR#2488.

