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RE: withdrawn candidates

From: Tari Runyan [mailto:tprunyan@techline.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 12:24 PM
Can we have a change that when the withdrawn box is checked next to a candidate's name  Gems will overwrite the candidate name on the OS report with the word "WITHDRAWN"  ? 
From: Ken Clark <ken@dieboldes.com>
Came across this while cleaning out my pile;  there was no developer response.  Tari, what do you mean by OS report?
From: owner-rcr@dieboldes.com [mailto:owner-rcr@dieboldes.com]On Behalf Of Tari Runyan
i mean on the accuvote tape  
Okay, thanks.  GEMS downloads withdrawn candidates as "WITHDRAWN", since about 1.14 I think.  1.94x and later(*) releases do not count withdrawn candidates.  For example, voting for a withdrawn candidate and some other candidate in a vote for one race will not result in an overvote with 1.94x.  1.94w and previous releases will count the withdrawn candidate (or overvote), and print the candidate name as "WITHDRAWN" on the tape.  Either way GEMS will drop totals for withdrawn candidates on the floor on upload.  In other words, the real behavioral change is in how overvotes are handled. 
In short, since 1.94x doesn't "see" withdrawn candidates, there is no point in including the word "WITHDRAWN" on the tape.  It would always have zero votes.
(*)  Actually for 1.95 I don't know.  The 1.95 release policy is not mine.