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RE: Gems - Positioning of Oval

> They
> would like
> to be able to position the oval below & centered of the Party Symbol
> bitmap, not at the top left or right of the Party Symbol.

Okay, I have talked to a couple of people about this one.  The issue here is
that the candidate text above and below the oval doesn't really fit into our
justification model very cleanly.

The fact of the matter, however, is that Puerto Rico is 2000 units, so if
they wanted the ovals in gold-leaf we would likely find a way to give it to

I ask that some effort be put into convincing PR that a consistent
justification of ovals by party is the Right Thing(tm).  My understanding is
that for the upcoming demo at least, this will be the case.  If it becomes a
deal maker/breaker due to statutory interpretation or whatever (I hope not),
follow up and we'll see what we can do.

> They
> also would
> like to be able to position the oval at center right or left of the
> candidate bitmap.

You mean centered vertically right?  There are a couple of things we can do

First, it might be nice for multiple-spaced candidate races to vertically
justify the oval to top, bottom, or center, snapped to the quarter inch.
Not a bad feature.  Should it be race specific or global?

Second, there is a "shift down" quantity by 1/72" under Ballot
Options->Oval/Box.  It shifts all the race/header boxes down by a given
quantity, while leaving the oval positions intact.  To get the centered
effect, we could allow negative shifts, shifting the boxes up instead.  This
will be a bit tricky to implement, but also doesn't sound like a bad idea.
