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RE: Gems - Merging of totals from old I-Mark software

> The capability of Gems to be able to merge the results from the
> old I-Mark software.

Thanks Jeff.  I am working on this now.  I hope to have it done well before
Sept 15.

I have a couple of details to ask:

(1)	Do we need to support split precincts, or can we get away without them
for the upcoming Shelby election?  IMARK does splits different than GEMS, so
they are not directly portable.

(2)	Do we need to suport the election definition, or can we require that the
database be set up manually/seperately in GEMS with ExportIDs that match the
IMARK ids.  The latter is much less development work, but I appreciate that
it will be more work to set up the election.  I guess this has a lot to do
with whether this will be used more than once.  Will it?
