Language Technologies Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Office: GHC 6605
Phone: (412) 447-1121


I was a PhD student in the Language Technologies institute which is part of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Bhiksha Raj. I worked on privacy preserving machine learning for speech processing in the Secure Audio project.

I completed my PhD thesis in April 2012 and it was selected to be published in the Springer best thesis series.

My research on privacy-preserving speaker verification received significant press coverage.

Professional Activities 

Reviewer for:

Conferences: MILCOM 2012, ICASSP 2011
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)



"Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning for Speech Processing"
Manas Pathak.
PhD thesis. [book] [pdf]

Journal Articles

"Privacy-Preserving Speech Processing"
Manas A. Pathak, Bhiksha Raj, Shantanu Rane and Paris Smaragdis.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. Special Issue on Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain, 2013. [pdf]

"Privacy-Preserving Speaker Verification and Identification using Gaussian Mixture Models"
Manas A. Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
IEEE Transactions of Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2013. [pdf]

"Large Margin Multiclass Gaussian Mixture Models with Differential Privacy"
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable & Secure Computing, 2012. [pdf]

"Efficient Protocols for Principal Eigenvector Computation over Private Data"
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
Transactions on Data Privacy, 2011. [pdf]

Conference, Workshop, and Other Papers

"A Practical System for Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Filtering"
Richard Chow, Manas Pathak, Cong Wang.
International Workshop on Privacy in Social Data (PinSoDa) at ICDM, 2012. [pdf]

"Privacy-preserving speaker authentication"
Manas Pathak, Jose Portelo, Bhiksha Raj, Isabel Trancoso.
Information Security Conference, 2012. [pdf]

"PiCoDa: Privacy-preserving Smart Coupon Delivery Architecture"
Kurt Partridge, Manas A. Pathak, Ersin Uzun and Cong Wang.
Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs), 2012. [pdf]

"Privacy Preserving Speaker Verification as Password Matching"
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
ICASSP 2012. [pdf]

"Privacy Preserving Spam Filtering"
Manas Pathak, Mehrbod Sharifi and Bhiksha Raj.
[pdf] [arxiv]

"Privacy Preserving Speaker Verification using Adapted GMMs"
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
Interspeech 2011. [pdf]

"Privacy Preserving Probabilistic Inference with Hidden Markov Models"
Manas Pathak, Shantanu Rane, Wei Sun and Bhiksha Raj.
ICASSP 2011. [pdf]

"Multiparty Differential Privacy via Aggregation of Locally Trained Classifiers"
Manas Pathak, Shantanu Rane and Bhiksha Raj.
NIPS 2010. [pdf]

"Large Margin Multiclass Gaussian Classification with Differential Privacy."
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
PSDML workshop at ECML/PKDD, 2010. [pdf]

"Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Eigenvector Computation."
Manas Pathak and Bhiksha Raj.
PSDML workshop at ECML/PKDD, 2010. [pdf]

"Learning Algorithms for Domain Adaptation"
Manas Pathak and Eric Nyberg.
ACML 2009. [pdf]
This manuscript has been updated to include additional related work.

"Semantic Extensions of the Ephyra QA System"
Nico Schlaefer, Jeongwoo Ko, Justin Betteridge, Guido Sautter, Manas Pathak and Eric Nyberg.
TREC 2007. [pdf]

"Reducing Annotation Effort with Active and Interactive Learning"
Shilpa Arora and Manas Pathak.
LTI Student Research Symposium, 2007. [pdf]

Pre-2007 papers

"Intelligent Web Monitoring - A hypertext mining based approach."
Manas Pathak and Vivek Thakre.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. vol. 86, 2006. [pdf]