% The following information is kindly provided by Tomer Hertz. In order to run this code in Kernel mode you should set the following parameter within the BSParams struct (which contains all of the relevant parameters for the code to run, most of which have default values): BSParams.MarginType = 1; %when set to 0 this runs DistBoost, when set to 1, runs KernelBoost without the label dissolving mechanism (Which also helps, as shown in the paper). Other relevant parameters which you should take notice of are: BSParams.T - the number of boosting rounds. BSParams.WeakParams.M - the number of models in the weak learner. This should be set to be no less than the number of labels/classes in the problem you are working on. The weak learner has an automated mechanism which can remove models that are unnecassary (i.e. who do not "explain" any of the data points in the training set), so you can choose more models than needed, and the weak learner will discard some of these if they are not needed. Best performance is usually obtained when selecting the number of models M to be a little higher than the number of classes in the dataset. BSParams.WeakParams.single_cov_mat_flag - determines the number of covariance matrices used by the weak learner. The default is set to 1, which usually works best, since the number of parameters to be estimated is significantly lower and is not dependent on the number of classes in the dataset. Note however, that on some datasets in which the distribution of the classes is very different from one another, this flag can be set off.