The Betensky Kraut Family Album
Highland Park
330 S. Third Avenue, Highland Park, NJ, 1986. Later it was painted a colonial blue.
Dan, August 1993, just before the move to Pittsburgh
Dan in doggy sweater that Jane made for him, 1981
Joel with butterfly, 1988?
Rachel Farber and Daniel on train to NY to see the circus
Grandma Selma with Dan, Aaron, Josh, and Joel Kraut
Daniel meets Rachel at the well? The kids were camping, 1983
Daniel and David Borkon playing with the hose in front of our house
Joel's 3rd birthday, January 1986
Joel bottle-feeding Mousey, 1985?
Daniel reading in living room, 1988?
Joel reading in back room, 1993
Dan and Joel playing on porch, 1989
Bob, Dan, and Joel reading, 1986
Dan reading to Joel in back room, early morning, 1985
Dan and Joel playing in leaves, fall 1985
Joel with hanimal, 1987?
Dan, Aya, Joel at puppet show, Central Park, NYC, Thanksgiving
Leon in back yard, 1985
Mala playing ball with Daniel, hall, 1985
Halloween 1987
Bob enjoying hammock, 1991
Dan enjoying a real-world meal after Camp Harlam
Aya cooking the Thanksgiving goose
Dan practicing clarinet, 1989
Dan arranging valentines, 1989
The boys, 1984 The family, Rosh Hashana 1992
Family portrait, 1987?
Leon, Aya, Joel, Mala, Bob, and Dan the weekend of Dan's bar mitzvah, January 1992
Aya in living room before farewell party, August 1993

(Aya), Joel, Bob with Sue Long and Becca and Jim Farber, farewell party, August 1993

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