X-Andrew-WideReply: netnews.comp.sys.amiga.hardware X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 0;andrew.cmu.edu;Network-Mail Received: via nntpserv with nntp; Tue, 17 May 1994 00:39:12 -0400 (EDT) Path: andrew.cmu.edu!bb3.andrew.cmu.edu!news.sei.cmu.edu!toads.pgh.pa.us!newsfeed.pitt.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!news.duke.edu!convex!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!sunic!seunet!seunet!cindy!jetset!magnus.thelander From: magnus.thelander@jetset.ct.se (Magnus Thelander) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.hardware Subject: A2620 Jumpers. Message-ID: <2dd871ee@jetset.ct.se> Date: Tue, 17 May 94 01:27:00 +0200 Sender: news@jetset.ct.se Reply-To: magnus.thelander@jetset.ct.se X-Newsreader: Spot 1.2d Unregistered X-Mailer: uugate 0.30 (OS/2 2.10) (Fidonet Gateway) Organization: Home of uugate, the OS/2 Internet/Fidonet gateway Lines: 27 SEB> anything else about the card. Any information (jumper functions and SEB> settings, how to disable card, etc.) is very much appreciated. C= A2620 Jumper configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J302 must be installed for proper operation on 4-layer motherboards. J200 specifies the clock used by the 68881 FPU. As shipped, the FPU uses the basic 14.3 MHz clock also used by the 68020 and 68851. If a faster 68881 or 68882 is installed with the appropriate crystal module, moving J200 to the lower position will route that module's output to the 68881. J301 specifies the amount of RAM installed in the A2620. When no jumper is in place, the system expects 2 megabytes. With the jumper in place, the system expects 4 megabytes. J303, when installed, disables all A2620 DRAM. J304 selects which operating system to autoboot. When no jumper is in place, the system autoboots Amiga DOS. With the jumper in place, the system autoboots UNIX (assuming you have UNIX on a hard drive or tape drive). J500, as shipped, sets the RAM timing to 100 nanoseconds. Moving it requires 80 nanoseconds DRAM.