15-465 and 60-414 Administrative Information for Spring 2007

Place and Time: Monday and Wednesday from 1:30 to 4:20
303 CFA for the inital meetings.


James Duesing

Jessica Hodgins

Teaching Assistants:

Ronit Slyper
  • Email: rys@cs.cmu.edu
  • Office Hours: During worktimes in class or 4-6pm Tuesday in the Linux cluster.
Ian Ingram

Online Resources

The class web page is at
This is the primary online source for information about the course, including assignments, lecture notes, and administrative details.

There will be /afs space for your assignments and projects: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/15465-s07-users



Optional Texts

Other Texts and Sources

Grading Information

Grading for the class will be split up as follows:

Attendance will be graded as follows: two misses/term will be allowed for illness or conferences (longer illnesses will of course be handled appropriately). 25% of the attendance grade will be deducted for each subsequent absence. Student who miss no days and participate in class will be awarded 3% in extra credit (15% rather than 12% for attendance). A sign-in sheet will be used to keep track of attendance and the students are responsibile for signing in.

Assignments and Projects

There will be two kinds of assignments: individual assignments at the start of the semester and a final project. The individual assignments will be completed by each student, the final project will be completed in teams of about eight students.

All assignments will be turned in as frames. The final project will begin as a storyboard, morph into an animatic and gradually become a complete animation with fully rendered frames and audio.

Grading on programming assignments is based the ambitiousness of what you attempted and the quality of the result. We will spend class time critiquing the animations and assignments. The notion of a critique may be unfamilar to some in the class. See the supplemental readings above more an introduction to the concept.

Late policy

Assignments should be turned in on the day they are due by midnight. We will look at the time stamp on your files to verify that they were turned in on time.

Late days: A total of three late days may be taken during the semester on the individual assignments. The flexibility provided by those late days is intended to get you through the time where all your classes just happen to have assignments due on the same day. If you absolutely need an extension beyond those three days, contact the instructors.
Jessica Hodgins