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Downloading JavaBayes

To get JavaBayes, you have two options:

You can download the gzip/tar file JavaBayes-0.346.tar.gz. You have to use the gunzip and tar utilities to obtain all the files.
You can download the zip file You have to use one of the many utilities that read the zip format.
You can also download a compressed Postscript version of this manual. Finally, you can download a compressed javadoc-generated documentation for source code, generated and generously donated by Alan Mehlenbacher (note that I'm using the jar program for the javadoc files, as I would like to move to distribution through the jar program in the near future).

Note that JavaBayes is still coded using the Java 1.0.2 specification in the graphical user interface. But the current executable code has been produced with new development environments that are entirely based on Java 1.1. At this point, no check is made to guarantee that JavaBayes works with Java 1.0.2 browsers; the only valid test for this would be to actually run the system through Java 1.0.2 browsers. Also note that JavaBayes will be entirely converted to Java 1.1 at some point, so you should consider using tools that support Java 1.1.

Downloading and unpacking the JavaBayes distribution should produce several directories and files:

IMPORTANT: If you download JavaBayes, I ask you to notify me with a small email message. This software is experimental and will be evolving soon as I test it and kill bugs. I would like to know who has it so that I can send messages indicating patches and new versions. Even if you do not want to receive messages, send me a message indicating that you have the software but you do not want any messages. Thanks.

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Fabio Gagliardi Cozman