The Wean Hall dataset



Dataset collected at CMU's wean hall using a customized LAGR robot. It includes:

The data is suitable for various types of research, including: It is also easy to visually inspect the quality of your results given the known indoor environment.

Data format

The dataset format is straightforward to work with. The naming convention for the stereo data is


where CAMERA is either and TYPE is either The FRAME_NUMBER is the serial number of each image, and UNIX_TIMESTAMP is each image timestamp at the moment of grabbing from the camera.

Note, the Bumblebee2 produces synchronized images over Firewire. There were no synchronization issues that I am aware of. The calibration is also of high quality.

Laser, IMU and Gyro data are stored as a plain text files with a line per measurement.


For the rectified stereo, see the file calibration.txt Both cameras have the same intrinsic matrix after rectification. We also provide the raw calibration file from the camera in the *.cal. Consult the PointGrey website for documentations and software tools.


The camera matrix (intrinsics) for both left and right images is: $\mathbf{K} = \begin{pmatrix}487.109 & 0.0 & 320.788 \\ 0.0 & 487.109 & 245.845 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0\end{pmatrix}$


Dataset is possible due to help from the rCommerce laboratory members: Prof. Tony Stentz, Dr. Balajee Kannan, Freddie Dias, Victor Marmol, Jimmy Bourne, and Dominic Jonak. Financial support was partially provided from a QNRF grant.


If you use this data in your research please cite:

@inproceedings{Alismail_2011_6990, author = {Hatem Alismail and Brett Browning and M Bernardine Dias}, title = {Evaluating Pose Estimation Methods for Stereo Visual Odometry on Robots}, booktitle = {the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-11)}, year = {2011}, url = {}}