Title and Abstract for an Invited Talk at the 15th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-15), Lindau, Germany, July 5-10, 1998 -------------------------------------------------- Reasoning About Deductions in Linear Logic Frank Pfenning Carnegie Mellon University Linear logic has been described as a logic of state. Many complex systems involving state transitions, such as imperative programming languages, concurrent systems, protocols, planning problems, games, or abstract machines, can be specified in linear logic at a very high level of abstraction. Generally, these encodings represent legal sequences of transitions as deductions in linear logic. Proof search in linear logic then allows us to establish the existence of transition sequences, thereby, for example, solving a planning problem or modelling the execution of a protocol. But we often need to consider all possible computations, for example, to establish that an imperative programming language is type-safe or that a protocol is secure. This then requires reasoning about deductions in linear logic. We describe our approach to proving properties of deductions in linear logic which is based on a linear logical framework (LLF) and an explicit meta-logic with universal and existential quantifiers ranging over proof objects. Due to the immediacy of the encodings, the expressive power of the linear logical framework, and the design of the meta-logic this architecture offers excellent opportunities for automation, combining techniques from type theory, constraint logic programming, and inductive theorem proving. Preliminary results with a non-linear prototype have been very encouraging and include, for example, automatic proofs of Hilbert's deduction theorem, type preservation for mini-ML, and soundness and completeness of logic programming search. [The talk presents joint work with Iliano Cervesato, Stanford University, and Carsten Schuermann, Carnegie Mellon University]