Package edu.cmu.emulator.listener

An event framework for implementing "listeners" that receive updates from event generating sources.


Class Summary

Package edu.cmu.emulator.listener Description

An event framework for implementing "listeners" that receive updates from event generating sources. The event sources may update the listeners using a dedicated thread, a group thread, or no thread - i.e. in the same thread that generates the events.

This framework is critical in order to allow the emulator to correctly and efficiently handle events. Listeners that receive events without the use of a thread will be triggered by the core event thread. As a result, these listeners must be extremely fast or they will harm core event execution. A dedicated thread solves this by using a new thread for each event. This allows the core event thread to continue executing, but incurs overhead. A group thread strikes a balance by using using a single thread to notify groups of listeners. This allows the core event thread to continue without creating a single thread per event.

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