Source documents
Media Articles - 2000s

Last updated
3 December 2002
Contents > Source Documents > Media Articles - 2000s

Taking control of the problem

The Barre Montpelier Times Argus
February 19, 2002

The substance abuse problem in Vermont is fast becoming an epidemic. Little of effective value is being done by the legislature or the Vermont Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Hence, I believe it is time that we the citizens take control and personal ownership of the problem. Too, we must become actively involved and responsible by beginning the developing and utilizing effective and proven treatment and Education and Prevention programs.

In researching these areas, I have concluded that NARCONON International, Inc., of Los Angeles is the best and most experienced (35 years) company to help us get the best and cure results (never anymore crime or drugs).

First, though, I firmly, believe that we must personally volunteer to accept the problem then, send our own citizens to NARCONON’s Oklahoma training center. These folks then return in six months and begin the process of counseling at the NARCONON treatment centers set up while they were gone in their home areas, if possible.

If Vermonters are truly concerned about the welfare of our children, and our society at large, I believe there is no better reasonable course of action. Time is running out.

The funding mechanisms for such a plan do not have to depend on the state or federal purse string. Often it is done through private foundation grant money.

Want to volunteer? Call me, at 802-454-1168. We can discuss any and all of your questions. I have volunteered.
