Source documents
Media Articles - 2000s

Last updated
3 December 2002
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Scientologist programs deliver positive results

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution
March 23, 2001

Had Mona Charen properly researched for her column on President's Bush's new Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, she would have found that Scientologists take action and get results when they see injustices and social problems ("Loosen regulations on religious groups that will be administering programs," Viewpoints, March 21).

Members actively participate in bettering society by establishing nonchurch groups and organizations around the world. Scientologists help children with school problems, work to rehabilitate drug addicts and criminals and bring about a safer environment through programs to increase moral values.

A good example is Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program. A study completed and released by an independent research group in Spain confirmed the remarkable results of Narconon. Of the students surveyed, 78.4 percent were still off drugs two years later and had completely ceased all criminal activity.

If you compare Charen's column to the information above, it is obvious that she knows absolutely nothing about the Scientology religion.

Stein, of Dunwoody, is the director of community affairs for the Church of Scientology of Georgia.