Return-Path: From: Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:42:05 EST To: Subject: IE recipe Hey Dave, I read your recipe for making IE crystals, got a good laugh and was going to move on but I had all the ingredients, other than the testing equipment and lab coat, so I carefully prepared the solution. I used a paint can shaker to approximate lab procedures and repeated ten times. The finished solution did foam a bit when swirled and was oderless. With no agitation the sample appeared indistinguishable from ordinary water but With the aid of a large magnifying glass, I could, with great difficulty, make out "structures" similar to microscopic snowflakes, bundled in colonies. Tears stung my eyes as I struggled to focus on the more precise, atomic level. I was unsuccessful in many attempts and developed a debilitating headache. Having exhausted my supply of drinking water in the IE recipe, I washed down three aspirin with the "crystal" solution. Reclining in my recliner, I must have drifted off to sleep, and when I awoke, there was no trace of the headache. Running my fingers through my hair, "hair"! I now felt a full head of hair where hours before it was thin and balding. Wow!! Not only that but my clothes were just hanging on me as I held up my jeans on the way to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "It had to be the IE crystals", I thought, smiling, as I stood on the scales, now ten pounds lighter, firm and fit. Now, thanks to you, Dave, and Dr. Lo, I can also see farther, think clearer and make more money with the incredible energy reserves that are now mine. Thanks again and let me know if you get the same amazing results. We've got to spread the news on this one. There is no question that this is a greater discovery than penicillin! Yours, with incredible, spreadable excitement, Seattle Slim