Jaya Ballard Human Wiz5/FSV2 Spec: Trans Banned: Ench/Div/Necro Stats: STR 9 (+1 inherent) DEX 13 CON 16 HP: 7+5.5*6=40 (-1) INT 20 (+2 circlet) Lang: Common Draconic Celestial Sylvan Elven Abyssal WIS 12 CHA 10 Saves: Fort +1 wiz +0 fsv +3 CON +2 res = +6 Ref +1 wiz +0 fsv +1 DEX +2 res = +4 Will +4 wiz +3 fsv +1 WIS +2 res = +10 Feats: Human: Cosmopolitan (Tumble) Wiz1: Scribe Scroll Clvl1: Spell Focus Evoc Clvl3: Empower Spell Wiz5: Fire Subst Clvl6: Spell Penetration Skills: Spellcraft 10 ranks +15 Concentration 10 ranks +13 K:arcana 10 ranks +15 K:planes 10 ranks +15 K:bestiary 10 ranks +15 Tumble 10 ranks +13 (2 from cosmopolitan) Escape Artist 8/2 ranks +5 Speak Language 2 ranks one language Stuff: Scrolls cloak of res +2 0/1 ExpRt scrolls listed elsewhere 1/2 SpdrClimb bird familiar 0/1 ObsMist two PearlIs 1/2 SilentImg headband of INT +2 1/1 ChngSelf light horse 1/1 Grease -1010gp 2/2 FeatherFall 1/2 MageArmor 1/6 Shield 1/2 ProtEvil 4/4 DetMag 1/1 Invis Spells: (5/7/5/4/3) Light () DetMag () () Presti () MageHand () EndureElts Shield MageArmor (X) Mount SummonI MMissile () () () () () SilentImage BurningHands FeatherFall () PearlI () () Web () FlamingSphere () BullsStrength (X) Endurance (X) RopeTrick () Knock Invis FoxCunning Fireball () () Haste (X) Fly (X) GMW Polyother (X) (X) ImpInvis ()