Lu Tze (Dan) Half-Orc Mnk4/Brb2/RA1 Align NN Boccob Age: 18 Gender: M Weight: 200 STR 20 DEX 18 HP: 52 (10+6.5+6.5+6.5+8.5+8.5+6.5) CON 14 AC: 21 (5 WIS, 4 DEX, 1 nat, 1 defl) INT 13 WIS 20 (+2) Init: +4 (dex) CHA 8 Saves: Fort: +12 (+9 base, +2 CON, +1 cloak) Ref: +11 (+6 base, +4 DEX, +1 cloak) Will: +11 (+6 base, +4 WIS, +1 cloak) note: Still Mind +2 vs ench Level 1 feat: Wpn Focus Unarmed Level 3 feat: Expert Tactician (delayed taking until fourth) Level 6 feat: Lightning Fists Monk feats: unarmed strike, stunning attack, evasion, Deflect Arrows, Still Mind, Slow Fall 20ft Barbarian feats: Rage, DEX to AC Red Avenger feats: Stunning shout 1/day Skills: stat Monk Barbarian RA Tumble +14 (DEX+4, 7 ranks, 2 half-ranks, 2 ranks) Climb +14 (STR+5, 7 ranks, 2 ranks) Listen +14 (WIS+4, 7 ranks, 2 ranks, 1 rank) Move Silently +13 (DEX+4, 7 ranks, 2 ranks) Hide +11 (DEX+4, 7 ranks) Jump + 9 (STR+5, 4 ranks) Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic Base speed 50ft Attacks: base 1d8 BAB +6 STR +5 +5 wpn focus unarmed +1 ------------- +12 1d8+5 +12/+7 or +10/+10/+5 or +7/+7/+7/+2 at 1d8+5 Attacks with kama are at -1 (no wpn focus) and 1d6 instead of 1d8 ================================================= Stuff: Ring of Defl +1 2000 Amulet of Nat Armor +1 2000 Boots of Speed 8000 Periapt of Wisdom +2 4000 Cloak of Res +1 1000 misc: 441 potion Mage Armor x3 (6) 300 potion Magic Fang x2 100 2 silvered kama 20 4lb monk's outfit 5 2lb backpack 2 2lb 6 days food 3 6lb waterskin 1 5lb silk rope 50ft 10 5lb Total: 17441gp carry cap 133/266/400