I will never, ever make the statement, "My character is not smart enough to think of that." That would be an insult to the DM who created the puzzle. If I were going to make statements like that, I might as well just ask the DM each round, "what does my character think it would be a good idea to do now?" It's the same sort of thing. Also, I will never, ever create a D&D character whose purpose is to annoy the other players. For example, I refuse to create a thief who steals from the party. I refuse to create an assassin who threatens to kill characters in their sleep if they don't obey him. I refuse to create an asshole who constantly makes fun of the other party members (but still stays in the party for some reason). And I refuse to create a parasite who can't contribute to combat but still demands a share of the treasure. I have played with characters who have done all of this. I did not enjoy it.