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Di Xu

Master Student of Language Technologies, LTI, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

BS, Computer Science and Applied Statistics, Purdue University (2013)

dix AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu

5000 Forbes Ave.
Gates Hillman Complex 5404
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Research Interests:

Information Retrieval: Search Engines, Retrieval Models, Question Answering

Spoken Term Detection , Text Mining and Machine Learning

Other Professional Interests:

Software Engineering

Curriculum Vitae


[1]   A. Ge, D. Xu and L. Yang. A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Method under Non-uniform Insolation Conditions. Infrared and Laser Engineering, No. 6 Volume 42, 2013. ISSN: 1007-2276 CN 12-1261/TN;
[2]   D. Xu and F. Metze. Word-based probabilistic phonetic retrieval for low-resource spoken term detection. In 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). INTERSPEECH 2014.
[3]   D. Xu, Y. Wang, and F. Metze. EM-based phoneme confusion matrix generation for low-resource spoken term detection. In Spoken Language Technology (SLT). IEEE, 2014.
[4]   D. Xu, and J. Callan. Modelling Psychological Needs for User-dependent Contextual Suggestion. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2014). NIST, to appear.
[5]   D. Xu, and J. Callan. Towards a simple and efficient web search framework. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2014). NIST, to appear.


  • A link to a self-made web app based on Google App Engine and Google Web Toolkit (still under construction): http://psychicloud.appspot.com/
  • View DI XU's profile on LinkedIn