About me

 Dilsun Kaynar I am an Associate Teaching Professor at the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining the School of Computer Science, I worked as a researcher at CyLab and at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in the Theory of Distributed Systems Group (2001-2006). I received my Ph.D. degree in 2002 from the University of Edinburgh, where I was a member of the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, and my B.Sc. degree in 1996 from the Middle East Technical University in Turkey where I studied at the Computer Engineering Department. I also hold a Doçent degree from the Turkish Council of Higher Education.

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I am an acedemic advisor for CS undergraduates. You can make an appointment with me using my advising calendar. If you cannot make any of the available slots, please email me to schedule a meeting.


The broad area of my research is foundations of distributed computing. I am interested in developing modeling and verification methods for distributed systems that can encompass a wide range of systems including those that exhibit timing-dependent behavior and possibly interact with the physical world. I have also had continued interest in security. During my doctoral studies I investigated language-based security and how to use type systems in making programs amenable to reasoning about security. The focus of my security research has shifted to modeling and analysis of secure systems, cryptographic protocols, and data privacy. Most recently, I am investigating the question of how to determine accountability for security violations using models of actual causation. This line of researchhas been funded by the NSF grant for the project Blameworthy Programs: Accountability via Deviance and Causal Determination.

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Technology Enhanced Learning

I collaborate with members of the Simon Initiative, the Eberly Teaching Center, and the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) from CMU to develop of an online version of the course Principles of Computing and to study impediments to adoption of online technologies in higher education. Our work was highligted in the story 1 Day in the Life: The Simon Initiative and Carnegie Mellon’s Digital Education Revolution.